[H-RP] <Nelghor Shomash> Dragonmaw RP community

We are Dragonmaw. The clan that looks to the skies and dares to imagine. Torn between honor and ambition, our people have fought for the Horde in every incarnation. With our Drakes we have conquered the skies for the Home. With our blades we have carved a home in the hostile east. With our will, Dragons themselves bow to us. Fiercely protective of our Clan and Heritage, but loyal to the Horde, we send the call out now to our brethren. From the Highlands of Northeron to the Great Barrens of Kalimdor, will you join your people as we fight to secure our future? Or will we fade into the mists of history as so many clans before us.
The choice is simple. Lok’tar Ogar. Victory, or death.

Nelghor Shomash is BACK, and we’re Dragonmaw Clan-themed RP community on Wyrmrest Accord server. Why did we create this community? To make a place for us Dragonmaw RPers who are too proud to bow to any clan but their own. For members of the Horde who are unapologetically Dragonmaw and all what that entails. And for anyone at all that is interested in Dragonmaw Can RP :slight_smile:

We seek to encourage Dragonmaw RP in all of its forms. Performing Shamanistic ceremonies, hunting Dragons, telling tales, being bold in battle, riding drakes, undergoing rituals, slaughtering your foes, undergoing character development and all manner of activities that are best enjoyed with others of your kin. We are also a guild, but we are primarily a community and discord that already has over a dozen Dragonmaw Role-players looking to present a united front for our chosen Clan.

Now, what are our Rules?
We’re a very open minded group. We love what we do and wouldn’t want to do anything else. We are a Dragonmaw Based community first and a Clan Guild second. We have a decentralized command structure that treats everyone as equal as possible. Those who we follow, we do so because we choose to.

We accept other Horde races! Orc, Tauren, Troll, and Goblin RPers, plus their related allied races. Something important to remember, however: We are not here to take Warsongs or Frostwolves or Bloodhoof or Darkspear. We are Dragonmaw, and any who wish to join us are willingly obliterating their old Clan/Tribal identity to take a place among us.

Other than that, go nuts. We look forward to RPing with you in any way that we can. We are also a Community! So people wishing to see what we’re like without leaving their Guilds are more than welcome to ask any member for a community invitation. Our discord can be reached right here:

We look forward to seeing you soon! Og’nor ka lok’tar, Nelghor-Shomash! Onward to victory, Dragonmaw Clan!

In-game contacts: Drakhar, Gisarola


Hey there, Dragonmawed/Ronza here!

I am usually not one for posting on the forums or even lurking here, but for I’ll gladly change that. Not because it is a guild I am apart but I can genuinely vouch for the members of the guild, GM, Co-GM, and officers along with the community are some of the best RPers I have ever interacted with.

At one point I didn’t even think about making a Dragonmaw. In fact, I mained a Shal’dorei at the time but after interacting with a few friends who were also Dragonmaw I’ve decided to take a bit of a step into unknown territory, as I didn’t know much about the clan, and make one myself! I will admit that I was quite nervous making one because I didn’t wish to get anything wrong but with the help and positive interactipns and even helpful tips from people like Drak’har, Kunrog, and others I’ve soon grew into playing Ronza/Dragonmawed and I have fell in love with her along with orc rp all over again.

So, to wrap things up, what I am trying to say is that Nelghor Shomash and the Dragonmaw Community are a great bunch to be around- accepting of the old and the new; willing to teach the new (like me) and offering a small, albeit lively group (which we’re hoping to grow) to the more experienced. I can assure you that you’ll have a great time with us as well- might even think about joining the Dragonmaw Train!

P.S. Remind me to edit this post, friends. I’m forgetful and I typed all of this on my phone so there is bound to be some errors and editing I need to do! <3


The guild continues to grow! The personal RP we’ve had between characters here has been nothing short of awesome.


Bump for these cool sounding guys!

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Nelghor Shomash has been going great recently! It’s been almost two weeks since our founding and we’ve been pulling in friends, neighbors, and strangers off the street to RP with us. Wether in Nelghor-Shomash or not, I hope that all you wonderful accordions will keep on seeing us and keep on RPing with us!

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Two weeks of fun RP with good, relaxed folks. So, shameless bump!

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Sounds like a really cool guild and a great time! When’s a good time for formal recruitment?

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Goodness! Sorry for such a late reply! The storms have been quite bad where I live. Tomorrow I will be free all day and willing to speak to you both In-Character and Out of Character for recruitment. If you’re not free Sunday, each day but Tuesday I’ll be free around 2 server time!


Been good to see many new and returning Dragonmaw RPers. Keep 'em coming!

Oh yeah the Dragonmaw population seems to have exploded recently. No idea why!

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It’s a beautiful day in the Nelghorhood.


Oh won’t you be, my Nelghor.


Howdy ho, Nelghorinos!

Damn, it’s been a -long- while since I’ve posted in here (mostly because I have the memory of a goldfish) and I see I haven’t even edited my last post! Oof!

Anyways, the gang above me is correct! Guild has been quite active lately and seeing an awful amount of us popping up makes me happy! It’s so great to see just a group of red and black hanging out and about! I would like to see that group more- especially since we got our first -troll- in the group!

If anyone is in fact interested in joining or have questions do contact me, Drak, Zawi, or any one else in the guild and we’ll try to contact you ASAP! Shy? I’m responsive to in-game letters as well!


Nelghor Shomash continues to grow! Where is the roof on this thing?

A great group of role-players! They’re everywhere! Ahh!


You guys are my kind of people.

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And you’re our kind of Orc :smiley:

Nelghor Shomah has been making a comeback recently!

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Glad to see yall around and popping. :smiley: wicked folk.

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Dope guild concept! Love seeing old school Horde stuff like this. Hope to see ya’ll around!

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I’ve actually been leading this guild over on Sargeras (non-RP, obviously) since 2004. It was a pleasant surprise to see that other people are interested in the same concept.

We’ve had our share of RP events for handing out promotions and the like, but it’s just nice to know that others are actively keeping this alive.