A call to action. The battlecry.
A Zandali word with meaning and intention well beyond the blood and heritage of trolls, though they bristle and thrill at the sound of it. KALIMASTE is founded on the principle of going, of doing.
Whether in peace with friends, war with foes, or against the adversity of inaction and stagnation, this is our motive. Our ambition is to do stuff, whether it’s content we’ve been given, or content we create.
There’s a lot to do in the world. Why not get out and do it?
The guild is intended to be a roleplay collective and a meeting place, while simultaneously hosting its own storylines and those of our members.
Join the crew of Damballah’s Wake as they sail head-first into the storm, learn deeper (possibly darker) mysticisms with Elder Shavai or come along to share your own story with us.
Thematically, our guild is troll-flavored without being exclusive to any tribe, or to trolls in general. We have a heavy nautical lilt as well, but we do just as much on land as we do at sea, and worldly threats often bring us to stand together against them.
Primarily, we’re a group of adventurers and thrill-seekers, hailing from all walks from mercenaries, war veterans, chefs and mystics. We want you to share your story with us, and explore all the narrative potential out there through the game itself.
As this is a new project, we’re looking for people that want to get involved, both in actual membership and community connections with other guilds.
- Basics —
Faction - Horde/Neutral, politically. You don’t have to be all Blood and Thunder but this probably isn’t the place for die-hard contrarians or people actively pining for their good old days with the Alliance.
As a guild, we are honoring the present armistice.
People that want to bring neutral Alliance characters will be considered on the rare case-by-case basis and after some prolonged interaction, game complications notwithstanding. If they fit, we’ll figure it out.
Activity - Late afternoon/evening - possibly later into the night. Events usually run from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM WRA Server Time/PST. Schedules will be reassessed to accommodate needs as best we can, though we run throughout the week. We’re all busy adults, some of us are parents; we make it work as best we can.
Content and Focus - We’re roleplayers and storytellers first and foremost, though most of us like the game itself. If interest stands, we’ll do PVE or PVP depending on participation and numbers, including mount and transmog runs, hence RP+.
Requirements - We ask that you be a respectful adult (18+), not be a jerk, have a clear distinction of boundaries and the capacity for civil discourse.
Contact: Zulrajaï/Zulrajaí (sometimes I like shields), Zajora, Zennyshiro or Bearglove in-game with questions or to set up a time to introduce your character and let us get to know them.
We do have a Discord that we use regularly, which also functions as a website for us in most respects.
In the event I’m not online or vice versa, I can be reached via DM at dunmerica on Discord, or at Lampblack#11483 over Battle.net.