[H-RP] Homefront - Coalition of the Horde RP Campaign

We had a really nice turn out for the rp meeting!


Banshih, you look so tiny between me and the other DK lol.


Somewhere in Durotar, deep beneath the earth…

“Damn it!”

A shadowy blast billowed through the dark room. Echoing through the cavern was an agitated growl. How long had this been going on through the evening? It was hard to tell, as the hours seamlessly ran together. “Answer to me you-,” the dark figure stopped himself.

No, not now. You cannot give up now, he thought while staring at the tusk floating before him in the middle of a faltering spell circle. The runes softened in glow as the shaman relaxed his focus. Purple light reflected on the rim of archaic runes. Their meanings? Lost to the annals of time. For all the careful preparation he had done, for all the studies he had performed on the quillboar, nothing was buckling the magics protecting it.

Before the shaman could resolve to continue, swift footsteps clamored down the passageway. “Master Stonescream! Quillboar approach the Durotar border.”

Another growl left the shaman’s maw. Clenching his first, his leather gloves creaked under duress. “They’re coming for the artifact. I know it.”

“What are your orders, master?”

The shaman kept his gaze focused forward on the tusk; a newfound determination blazed within his heart. The Scourge of Agamaggan, he mused, his thoughts matching admiration for the stubborn magics deep within the tusk. What felt like an age passed as he stared.

“Master Stonescream? Threkk?”

Snapped to focus, the shaman finally answered. “Send elemental sentries to keep an eye on the border and…”

Threkk turned back to look at his fellow orc. “… and secure one of the quillboar to bring back here. I have an idea.” A slow grin pulled at his lips.


(The following is posted with permission from Krok. His forum account isn’t high enough rated to add images, so I am posting this on his behalf.)

Text from doc:

I write this to the Horde Council and to the Horde Coalition, as well as this being my first statement as High Warlord of the current situation approaching Durotar. With the two major threats of Quillboar and Cultists now on the cusp of Horde borders, I was voted as the High Warlord of the campaign that is about to take place.

As High Warlord I see it fitting to officially appoint those that shall show their strengths on and off the battlefield in the coming days and lead our people to success. While during the latest summit meeting we did touch base on a group of leaders, I shall use this letter to officially induct them and let it be on record. The supreme leader of this campaign, the High Warlord, is Krok’Thar Warbringer as was voted in by those at the Coalition meeting. As second in command, Warlord of the campaign shall be Ronald Agrovane as his skills in combat and recent endeavors in Stranglethorn show his natural talents as a leader. Next I appoint Halenko Oakrune as Commander of Intelligence, her keen eye and information on the cultists are invaluable. Corta Nosesplitter has been elected Chief Medical Officer as her determination and talents are unmatched in the field, alongside her shall be Caleb McSwain as her Senior Medical Officer, a talented medic in his own right. For Head of Security I have chosen Abaddon as his neutral standing shall prevent bias during the campaign as Horde and its Neutral allies shall be working together. I have also made my choice for Lieutenant Generals for leading our troops; Chieftan Jab’trah is known for his cool head and he shall also be the representative for the Coalition, Elder Ranstrom Plainwalker, a wise and powerful ally who will prove well as a leader and mentor. I have chosen Unit #1971L as our Field Commander as their cunning and intelligence makes them a dangerous adversary and strong leader, Ar’groka Wyrmscream will take up the mantle of Field Commander as well as her ferocity and unwavering strength with strike fear into the enemy, our Neutral Representatives, Rease Stoneheart and Mirchea Kul’therin shall be our Argent allies, both are level headed and caring, even towards Horde forces so they shall be our Argent Officers. Lady Tyrinade Moonsong shall provide support and act as our emergency fall back as our campaigns admiral in case the situation worsens. Sonceri is respected amongst many and her talents in strategy and management is quite astonishing. Our last addition is Val’drussil Starmourne who shall use her vast knowledge and quick wits to assist in the situation, thus both Sonceri and Val’drussil shall be Champions of this Campaign.

I have chosen all of these people as I have either seen them in action myself or see great potential in their skills, I know that with courage, strength, and determination this campaign shall be executed smoothly and the threat shall be vanquished without issue. I shall write further as the situation develops.

With strength, Krok’Thar Warbringer


Booze and Bombs. Every request the damned Nightborne sent ended the same. Keffler had grown tired of it despite seeing it as a challenge. And with every fulfilled order of parts, soldering materials, special sands, salvaged gears, he tossed in a hand-picked small keg of something foul with a couple scrap munitions from his kids trial and error box. The tyke would be a legend, mixing his first seaforium while still crawling. Enough to bring a literal tear to his eye.

As he arrived to the converted storage room door, festooned with a garish sign SonicBlasts - Repairs and Kabooms, he noticed a rolled up scroll waiting. With a swift kick announcing his arrival, Sonceri answered wearing goggles and brandishing a blowtorch flickering between many colors.

“Oh nice! Booze and scrap is here!” A couple voices respond with mock excitement inside. “Thanks Keffler, I’ve got those cells recharged for ya and some coin. Hmm mail?”

He knew the drill, tossing the scroll and goods to her and the other insane engineers, mostly Forsaken waving with one too many arms. A frosty mug made it to his hand along with a crate of payment.

“So new order?”

Sonceri’s goggles whirred as she read the scroll and caught eyes with the goblin. “Nah, seems I need to grab some guns and pack a lunch. Weird…I could swear the report says…Durotar. How the heck could something get close…here?”

He sighed and prepared to calculate how much insurance this would cost…

((Events coming soooon! WOOHOO!))


I love reading through all of your posts in here; it looks great guys!

Almost brought my little BE Argent or Shu’halo, and then got struck with a case of Oh no I don’t know anyone! lol


How else ya gonna get to know people! :stuck_out_tongue: Feel free to tag along with myself or Rease, we’re both friendly and have friendly guilds!


The time is almost upon us! Members and Allies of the Horde! Bring your armies and supplies to Orgrimmar! We rally on the eve of our forward assault to revel in our inevitable victory. Meet the High Warlord and his command at the Barracks at 7:30 sharp!

Time: Saturday, June 12th 7:30PM MG ST
Where: In front of the Barracks, Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar.
What: A pre-campaign rally to gather and inspire our forces before we head off to Razor Hill, the forward operating base against the rising threat of Quillboar threatening Durotar.
Discord: https://discord.gg/T35KyqrZWQ


The campaign start with a military rally in Org was fun!


Impressive turn out! I am glad the first night went well. And I love seeing all the undead on the horses! Perfect formation on the side there…


It was great fun marching out with everyone! Impressive turnout, and a nice parade through Org to show off!


Oh yeah! Those Quillboar will know us Forsaken ain’t messin’ around!


Tonight we have three events on the docket!

A briefing will start promptly at 7:30pm ST at camp to review our next move.

At 8pm ST, our forces will move out!

  • Pig Wranglers (D20 Battle): Under the cloak of darkness, unusual activity has been sighted southeast of Orgrimmar. It is time to send a small force of scouts to put eyes on what is going on!

  • Between a Rock and a Hard Place (D20 Battle, Investigation): The cliffs and clefts of Durotar hude dangerous threats. From the deep bowels of caves nearby the very heart of the Horde, rumors slither out about a dangerous artifact and a vengeful cultist.

  • Delivering Supplies to Razor Hill (Non-combat/RP): Gather at the gates of Orgrimmar and escort supplies to Razor Hill. We need to prepare the camp for all forces.


Here’s some screenshots from last night!

Sadly I was DMing and thus was too focused on that to get good ones of my own event. Krok took lots of good ones though; they’re posted up in the discord!


Screenshots from Razorhill last night


Free day today! Enjoy the day off.


AKA: Go to bed at a reasonable time :stuck_out_tongue:


Incredibly fun campaign.

Relaxing day… other than the psychic attacks. But personal RP. :D

*Nervous laughter*

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It’s bad when I’ve started brainstorming ideas for the next campaign and this one isn’t even over, huh?

Time to get some sleep. See you all tonight!


Tonight we have three events on the docket!

A briefing will start promptly at 7:30pm Server Time (ST) at camp (Located in Razor Hill) to review our next move.

At 8pm ST, our forces will move out!

  • Resupply the Valley of Trials (Non-combat/RP): The reach of the Quilboar in Durotar is vast. Every corner of the arid land has buckled under their stampede, and there are not enough supplies to go around, for even those just starting to prove themselves to the Horde find themselves without arms and armor to properly carry out their trials. Let us help alleviate this and strengthen their resolve!
  • The Race Against Time (D20 Battle, Investigation): We zero in on the tusk in the hands of the cultists. While we are ultimately able to take out the leader of the cultists, the Quilboar manage to get their hands on the artifact.
  • Bodacious Boar Bash (D20 Battle): With the Quilboar moving their forces further east, in due time they will reach the location of the group dealing with the cultists, we must cut off the Quilboar before they overwhelm them and cut us off from Orgrimmar!