[H-RP] Holiday Soup Kitchen & Veteran Support - 12/29

Neat, professional-looking flyers could be found around the bulletin boards, professional stands, inns, and taverns of every major Horde city:

Happy Holidays to our Veterans and current service-members, civilians, and professionals!

Kalimdor Logistic’s Community Outreach Program is hosting a Winter’s Veil soup kitchen and support effort event. Please stop by for a large drink, a hot meal, and supplies needed during the holiday. A modest raffle will also take place, proceeds given to the Orgrimmar Orphanage, along with any donated toys. Anyone who donates toys/blankets/etc for the Orphanage is also instantly entered into the raffle!

Date: December 29th
Time: 16:00
Location: Miwana’s Longhouse, Orgrimmar


This is an event for characters to reflect on their blessings, as well as contribute to those less-fortunate within our own faction.

This will be held in the Valley of Wisdom, near and inside the Inn!
If any guilds are interested in collaborating on this IC, please let me know! We’ll always welcome the help!

(All times are server time.)

  • 4pm: Doors open, raffle tickets can be purchased, gift and care-packages will be given! You can also get your drinks and mingle while waiting for dinner!
  • 4:45pm: The feast will be served!
  • 5:30pm: Once the meals are devoured, grab another drink and find a seat for War Stories! The point is to show our appreciation for our veterans, so if your character wasn’t active in the battlefield, they’re welcome to share a story about a loved one who has, or is currently, serving the Horde!
  • 7pm(ish): We will wrap things up and announce the winner of the raffle! (If we have more who wish to tell stories, we will pause at this time for the raffle but continue the stories until everyone has had their chance!)



80% of all raffle proceeds will be donated to the Orgrimmar Orphanage Fund! The remaining 20% will be used to cover the cost of materials needed to create the grand prize!
What is the prize, you ask?
None other than a custom-made, personal rocket!
When we say custom-made, we mean CUSTOM! Our Engineers will craft the vehicle to the winner’s specifications! (Seat size and cockpit-preferences, for example.) You even get to pick the paint!
For this reason, you will not be able to take your rocket home that evening, but it will be delivered 5-7 days after you’ve given your preferences!
Bringing a donation of toys, clothes, blankets, or other materials for the Orphanage or the Community Outreach Program? You’ll get one free ticket for the raffle!


The raffle is for a Depleted-Kyparium Rocket!
They generally sell for around 100k on our server’s AH, give or take, so if you already own one, you’re welcome to sell it if you win, or give it to a friend! We won’t be offended. :ok_hand:

Raffle tickets will cost 2,000 gold each, or you can get a special ticket-bundle of 5 tickets for 7,500 gold!

Short on gold but NOT lacking in items you don’t use? Make a donation for one free raffle ticket! Donations would be items we could use in future community events! Perhaps given out as gifts, or to set the RP scene for example!
If you’re a hoarder who doesn’t have the time or patience to list all the stuff you’ll never use on the AH, but you need that bank space, bring it by!

Ideas for Donation Items:

  • Unwanted Pets or Toys

  • Profession Recipes

  • Bags, Enchants

  • Potions, Feasts, Fireworks

  • Old Mats

  • Holiday Wrapping Paper!


Reminder this is still occurring, come on down even if it’s just for the free stuff and people watch for the rest of the event! You may even find your new guild (not us) from hanging out, and you get free stuff for just showing up? Oh did we mention free stuff too? Anyway, free stuff, and support the charity for the kiddos.

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Sounds like a good time! I’ll try to be there!

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A large drink? Yoooooooooooo

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It’s this Sunday people! Come have some fun and show support!

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Sorry for the lateness on details, but I’ve finally updated the OP with everything you need to know for THIS SUNDAY!

The holidays kept me busier IRL than I expected, sorry about that!

We can’t wait to wrap up the year with all of you!

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This is super exciting to finally have the details out there. It’s going to be amazing! And the food is going to be great too!

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I would very much like to donate some pets and such to this event, no tickets needed, just adore events of this mindset.

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It would be super appreciated! I asked one of the interns to give out a FEW random pets to those around the Winter’s Veil tree on the 25th, and the next thing I knew, almost all the pets had been rehomed!

Interns, man.

I know it wasn’t much but I do hope those items help you. <3

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“wasn’t much”

Kalimdor Logistics now has A SECOND BANK just to hold everything you donated!
(Trust me, it was more than wrapping paper!)


That was far more than I expected, and so sweet of you!! Like I said, I can’t host an event and let someone leave without a goodie bag.

Looking forward to brainstorming on some events together in the future!

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Clearly this is evidence that’s been tampered with I am the smollest Grinch after all! rabble rabble!!


Very nice, just got home from work and suddenly my exhaustion caught up to me, but I wanted to say thank you.


When I get home today, I’ll send some extra pets I have from farming old raids your way. :slight_smile:

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You guys are the best!
I had two bank tabs of pets from farming over the year and my gift-happy butt passed out all of them in under two hours while we all waited for the present quests to spawn! Worth it.

These aren’t all of them from Bitebizz, just a variety I set aside for Sunday. At this rate, we’ll be stocked to give them out at events all year lol!


If you’ve had your eye out for anything, let me know! I hoard everything I get my hands on so I may be able to help out! Otherwise, I’ll give someone who looks like they need their day brightened a free raffle ticket from you guys. =)

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If anything, keep what I send for the rest of the year! I might also send some gold along to give away some raffle tickets for people who aren’t able to buy in as well - I don’t know if I’ll make it on a toon but I want to participate in any way possible.


Really excited to see everyone tomorrow!

Thanks to our new friends at Steamwheddle Summons Inc, we’ll have summons available to the event! Just whisper someone from Kalimdor Logistics or Steamwheddle for one!

About an hour from now! Come get ya some grub and a chance at a mount!

Hope you all can make it! We have a lot of goodies to give, and great RP to be had!

It’s still going on! If you’re stopping by Orgrimmar, there’s really no reason not to visit.

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