<H RP Event> The Shadowtusk Great Hunt!

Hello, Wyrmrest Accord! I hope that everyone is having a magnificent April and is looking forward to May. For the past four years, every July, I’ve been running the Great Hunt - A week long DM’d competition that takes various zones from the game, populates them with dangerous enemies and lets a whole slew of teams loose to compete and see who is the best of the best. While the first two years were private and for the guild only, the past two have been open to the public. Given the success and attendance of last year, I wanted to let everyone know that the hunt is happening again and it’s going to be better than ever!

Where will it be, you might ask…? Borean Tundra.

That’s right. And let me tell you, there’s nothing boring about Borean. You’ll face all manner of undead horrors under the control of a rebellious Dread Lich, loyalists to the old and tyrannical Malygos and more. Not to mention the other teams who are attending! Safe places aren’t easy to come by, and must often be earned by the teams in question… A pair of two mighty hunters, or even a shaky alliance of two separate teams both competing for the same goal.

The Hunt will be occurring during the week starting with July 7th, with the big competition days happening on 7/08, 7/09, 7/11 and 7/12. Don’t worry about missing one or two days if you have to, so long as your partner can make it we have systems to even the odds!

But for so much hardship, the reward sure better be worth it, right?

You’re damn right! These prizes may change (as in get better, not worse), but for now each member of the two winning pairs (one inside STC, one outside) will be receiving 100k gold as their prize. Even if you don’t win, though, I promise you won’t regret attending; it’s a fun time, and everyone who has attended has been satisfied by the pure amount of content and community created as a result!

So, how can you get involved? Well, there’s two ways. One is just sending me a message in-game or on Discord! You can also send a letter or just show up on 7/07 for the introduction, either is perfectly fine. If you’d like to DM (and trust me, I need volunteers if last year is any indication), shoot me a tell in-game bright and early and we’ll discuss how you can help! Being a dungeon-master for this event is quite rewarding, and while it may initially seem intimidating the presence of my pre-made DM sheets really smooths down the process.

You can find some rules and guidelines for the hunt/my roll system by typing in tinyurl with the .com and /greathuntrules attached - I’d post the link itself, but it seems that isn’t allowed anymore! Sorry for that inconvenience. If that doesn’t work for you, I can always directly link it to you.

Ever since I first created it, the Great Hunt has been my all-time favorite summer activity, and every little bit of work I’ve put in has been entirely worth it. I look forward to sharing my joy with attendees and any fellow DMs this year as I have in many prior years. Anyone is welcome! Just remember that combat and strategy are extremely important, so come with your character’s a-game and your own sharp wit so that you can claim victory! The snows aren’t for the faint of heart…

New to this year are IC items you can score from the various Super Bosses found around the map and hidden by puzzles or mechanics. Be sure to seek them out, as these potent trinkets and weapons may just turn the tide of the hunt.

Feel free to reply to this thread with questions or concerns if needed. I’ll answer all of them as quickly and succinctly as I can. Thank you for reading this far, and have a wonderful day Wyrmrest Accord! :heart:


The Southfury Watch will be keeping a close eye on this event!

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We’d love to have you guys!

I DM’d for the Great Hunt last year, and I can say without a doubt that if you attend? The bosses will keep you on your toes! It’s such a great way to spend a week! Hope to see you all there!

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The Great Hunt is an absolute blast, the boss mechanics are creative (while still simple and intuitive) and the DMs are always really enthusiastic. I’m looking forward to this year’s hunt!


Firebrand Enterprises would love certainly be interested in this, in both attending and possibly helping out where needed. I’d love to talk more about it in game when possible.


As per every year, there may be 1 or 2 scary difficult bosses… But with the items and everything you can find this year, their complexity can be curbed!

I’m glad you enjoyed previous years, and I hope this one meets the same standard.

As to you, Vyn, I’ll contact you when I log on next!

BIG Excitement!!! Borean Tundra. :cold_face:

This RP event sounds great. I wish Forsaken had something similar.

Question though, do you guys do anything in Shadowprey village? I am planning on doing a caravan event in a few weeks and the run starts there.

Desolace should be plenty safe from the carnage, I wouldn’t worry about that! However, Forsaken are perfectly welcome to come along. Any character is, save Alliance characters! The event is actually starting tomorrow with an introduction in Warsong Hold, so if you’re interested in coming (or have friends interested), that would be the time to arrive!

I don’t get back in town until the 10th

Hello Zudaba! I have put your event up on the event calendar - I hope you don’t mind. It’s a tool I created a while ago to help folks find events easier and to help us event runners to coordinate. I hope you find it useful!

If you don’t want your event on there let me know. Good luck with your event!

No, that’s very helpful! Thank you so much!