[H-RP Event] For the Hungry! (Winter's Veil Edition)

:bowl_with_spoon: :poultry_leg: :green_salad:

New to MG Horde (NMGH) is proud to present FOR THE HUNGRY! This is a public RP event for Horde citizens to come along during Winter’s Veil for a free feed, or host a banquet!

For the Hungry! (Winter’s Veil Edition)
When: 7pm to 9pm, Tuesday December 22nd (server time, CST)
Where: Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar
Who: Any member of the Horde (or neutrals) - any race, class, or level
What to bring: A big appetite. It doesn’t hurt to dress up either!
What to do: Sample some nice food and socialise!
Add-ons: TRP or MRP roleplaying addons would be beneficial. Also Listener if you get lost in crowded, noisy environments.

If you would like to host a food booth:

  • Each booth will generally be hosted by a guild
  • The food will fit the ‘theme’ of that guild
    e.g. Flashbang Exports (goblin guild) will be providing Goblin Shortbread, Clamette Surprise, Goblin BBQ, and Ka’ja Cola!
  • Individuals without guilds are still welcome to host
  • We will try to avoid crossover between food booths to give the event lots of variety


  1. Name of guild or individual.
  2. Name 3 foods and 1 beverage that you would like to provide.
  3. Please briefly describe your guild, theme, or why you’d like to provide for the hungry.
  4. Best way to contact you.

Host application deadline: THURSDAY 10 DECEMBER.


Q: Where do I send my host sign up form?
A: Either post it on this forum, or send it to me on discord (send a friend request to Flywheel#4087). Alternatively, you can join the NMGH discord (link at bottom of page) and then message Flywheel.

Q: Will I be allocated a place for my booth?
A: Yes, we will post a map showing booth placements about a week before the event.

Q: How do I know what other people are providing?
A: A ‘menu in progress’ list will be posted on this forum thread and updated regularly.

Q: Don’t you have to be in a raid group to eat feasts?
A: Yes. Everyone at the event will be encourage to join the event raid group. If required, we will make 2 raid groups.

Q: Can I provide more than 3 types of food and 1 drink?
A: We prefer you stick to the guidelines and menu. It’s easy to get carried away and try to provide too much food, but don’t over-exert yourself! These limits have been placed to keep things simple and achievable. Also keep in mind that there may be some lower levels at the event, so choose your food wisely!

Q: How much food of each type should I bring?
A: If you are making feasts, don’t make more than 20. For individual food or drink items that can be handed out, don’t make/buy more than 40. There’s no need to put in extreme amounts of effort farming ingredients. We are expecting to have a number of hosts at the event; you won’t be the only one!

Q: Do I have to cook my own food?
A: No, vendor bought food is absolutely fine. Why not bring a Goldtusk Inn Buffet Breakfast toy? It’s good if you can have at least one table type item (e.g. a feast) to lay down.

Q: Does it have to be ‘real’ food, or can I just RP it?
A: Your food should be something that people can eat or drink in game. This is so that we can have consistency across the whole event.

Q: Can I just spectate and watch, or is it a closed event?
A: It is a open event and you are welcome to watch. Almost all RP will be conducted in emotes and /say.

Q: Do I have to sign up to come?
A: It is preferred that food providers (hosts) sign up so that we can organise everything. Participants (hungry folks) can just rock up at the right time. If you would like to host, but haven’t signed up, please just try to find a spot where you’re not crowding someone else. All are welcome. An RSVP is not essential.

Q: I haven’t roleplayed before. I don’t know anyone. Will this event be suitable for me?
A: Absolutely! This event is designed to encourage new roleplayers to give it a try and talk to some of our friendly MG Horde citizens. You’ll probably make some great new friends!

Q: Will there be guilds recruiting at the event?
A: There will be some guild banners around, but the focus is on food and festivities. Guild recruitment ads are generally discouraged, but you are more than welcome to have RP conversations and recruit in a more subtle way.

Q: What should I wear?
This is a Winter’s Veil event, so why not get a little festive? Maybe a santa hat or a festive jumper. If you’d rather go stylish or gothic or tribal, perhaps wear something that matches the style of food you’re cooking! (Sambrero, anyone?!)

Q: Will this event be advertised on Discord?
A: Yes, we have a poster on the drawing board, and you’ll be seeing it splashed about on all your local billboards!

Big thanks to all of our awesome crew at NMGH for making this RP event possible! We always love more helpers. If you would like to be involved in the organisation process, please join our discord at:


:bowl_with_spoon: :poultry_leg: :green_salad:


The Eagletotem Tribe will absolutely host a booth! Got to show all these Horde proper Tauren cooking!


:bowl_with_spoon: :poultry_leg: :green_salad: FOR THE HUNGRY! Menu :bowl_with_spoon: :poultry_leg: :green_salad:
(to be updated as sign-ups come in)

| The Eagletotem Tribe |
Food 1: Mulgore Spice Bread (25+)
Food 2: Strider Stew (5+)
Food 3: Roasted Kodo Meat (1+)
Beverage: Iced Highmountain Refresher (42+)
Enjoy some classic Tauren dishes that will surely warm the stomach of those in need.

| Flashbang Exports |
Food 1: Goblin Shortbread (1+)
Food 2: Clamette Surprise (40+)
Food 3: Goblin BBQ (30+)
Beverage: Ka’ja Cola (1+)
Thinkin’ food? Think goblin-style! Delectable dishes that will ROAST your toast buds (if they don’t blow you up).

| Reapers of Bwomsandi |
Food 1: Blood Apples (35+)
Food 2: Loa Loaf (45+)
Food 3: Swamp Fish and Chips (45+)
Beverage: South Island Iced Tea (30+)
After many invasions on their homeland, and friends, some of the Sam’de clan have moved to Orgimmar to serve you their finest delicacies.

| Ashes of Al’ar |
Food 1: Bloodberry Tart (35+)
Food 2: Crunchy Spider Surprise (3+)
Food 3: Suramar Surf and Turf (40+)
Beverage: Sunglow (1+) distributed with wine glasses (1+)
For Ashes of Al’ar, feeding the needy and vulnerable is quintessential to elvish cultural preservation by celebrating traditional cuisine and bolstering morale.

| The Argent Advance |
Food 1: Crispy Bat Wings (1+)
Food 2: Hot Lion Chops (15+)
Food 3: Steaming Chicken Soup (28+)
Beverage: Hearthglen Ambrosia (35+)
The Argent Advance works with the Horde to uphold the Argent Crusade’s mandate to fight swiftly and mercilessly against any element of evil that surfaces in Azeroth.

|The Hearthstone Tribe|
Food 1: Stone Dogs
Food 2: Chicken wit’ Attitude
Food 3: Jerk Pork Chops
Beverage: Spiced Tea
The Hearthstone Tribe, a home for those without a home.

|Shadowhound Warband|
Food 1: Wild Hog Shank (11+)
Food 2: Red Hot Wings (11+)
Food 3: Pumpkin Pie (1+)
Beverage: Refreshing Spring Water (1+)
The Shadowhound Warband do what it takes to keep Horde citizens safe under the red banner, including taking the time to help feed those citizens.

|Twitcherberry Inc |
Food 1: Buzzard Bites (10+)
Food 2: Rhino Dogs (27+)
Food 3: Skewered Eel (30+)
Beverage: TBA
Twitcherberry Inc is a catering company with elements of a merchant company, and will do more daring jobs depending on the work.


:bowl_with_spoon: :poultry_leg: :green_salad:


*Heya Guys and Gobs and Gals alike. Watch out for our Head Chef Veznex cooking up a storm. You’ll get a sprinkle of flavour, some tangy sauces. And a heavy dose of sarcasm if you ask the wrong questions.

Feast your eyes on some Goblin BBQ and stuff your face with Vez’ delectable Goblin shortbread and Clamette Surprise. Wash it all down with some Kaja’Cola™

Just be sure to have your catching hand ready 'cause food will be flying in all directions at this eat street style event!*

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The For the Hungry! menu has been updated and is shaping up nicely for an awesome event!

Still taking host applications. Please use the form in message #1 of this thread, or send a message to Flywheel (discord Flywheel#4087) if you need more details.

Can’t wait to try some of these delicious dishes!

Only a few more days to get your host registrations in!

Please make it easy on our organisers and don’t leave things to the last minute.

Here’s that form again if you’d like to sign up!

(Send the completed form to Flywheel (Discord: Flywheel#4087) or just post it here in this forum thread.)


  1. Name of guild or individual.
  2. Name 3 foods and 1 beverage that you would like to provide.
  3. Please briefly describe your guild, theme, or why you’d like to provide for the hungry.
  4. Best way to contact you.

Host application deadline: THURSDAY 10 DECEMBER.

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Menu updated!

Only 12 days to go. Still accepting last minute host applications.

I will post a map soon showing the locations of each booth.

Start the countdown!

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The event booth map has now been created. See diagram here:

If you still wish to host for this event, you will need to squeeze in between these allocated booths, or pick a spot on the other side of the river.

We look forward to seeing everyone on Tues Dec 22nd, starting at 7pm!

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I love this idea, definitely gonna be there.

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Less than a week to go! For the Hungry kicks off in just a few days, on Tuesday 22nd December at 7pm.

Please message me ASAP if you want to host!

We welcome all our hungry participants. Come along and enjoy some delicious food and meet some of the wonderful personalities that MG Horde has to offer.

See you there Banxizia!

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Everything is on and GOOD TO GO for tomorrow night!

For the Hungry is a social, festive banquet event that everyone on Horde side is welcome to come along to. We have 8 planned booths (listed in the menu above) who will be handing out free food for you to enjoy.

Come along and meet some new people! Socialise. Chat. Get festive!

For the Hungry! (Winter’s Veil Edition)
When: 7pm to 9pm, Tuesday December 22nd (server time, CST)
Where: Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar
Who: Any member of the Horde (or neutrals) - any race, class, or level
What to bring: A big appetite. It doesn’t hurt to dress up either!
What to do: Sample some nice food and socialise!
Add-ons: TRP or MRP roleplaying addons would be beneficial. Also Listener if you get lost in crowded, noisy environments.

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The event is on tonight at 7pm!

I’m ready to go. See you there!!

Soon we shall feast!

The event has kicked off, folks! come on down for some good, FREE food and a good time! The Argents have Chicken Soup and Hearthglen Ambrosia!

For the Hungry! food banquet had a great turnout, almost a full raid group of folks. That’s impressive given how hard it was to drag them out of Oribos, haha.

There were many delicious dishes to be had and tasty beverages too. A very wide selection. Next time we’ll have to include desserts!

Everyone said they had a fun time and I loved seeing MG Horde come to life. We have a wonderful community and I hope we can have lots more occasions like this!

Here’s one screenshot, but there are many more on the NMGH discord. Check out those fancy outfits!

We’ll see you all next time!


Thank you for hosting this! It was fun and I got to meet a lot of new people in-character. I look forward to the next event I’m able to make it to :>