Dragonflight Deployment - RP Event
Join the forces of the Horde as they rally, ride, and deploy to the Dragon Isles to assist the Reliquary! This is a casual rp event to kick off the expansion, as guilds and characters alike set off to brave the Dragon Isles!
OOC: Sunday & Monday RP Event to kick off the expansion launch!
Nov 27 (Sunday) @ 8pm Server: Rally in the Ruins - Eastern Kingdoms, deploying to Kalimdor. We will be in the old version of Tirisfal, in the ruins.
Nov 28 (Monday) @ 4pm Server: Camp outside the docks and open mingle casual rp as we wait for the expansion launch!
Contact: Banshih (H), Krokthar (H) Horde Vanguard Server (Horde Faction RP Community): https://discord.gg/fUjuna5QZt
All members of the Horde are welcome.