[H-RP] Battle of the Bilge - Coalition of the Horde RP Campaign

Athelar stood, surveying the staging grounds at the rear gates of Orgrimmar. Engines rumbled and roared, spewing black smoke into the air as men and women shouted back and forth, trying their best to be heard over the cacophony of the mobilization of siege weapons, medical supplies, equipment and all the other materials required to battle the enemy, dig in, and embed in hostile territory.

For days now, the appointed Marshal of the Coalition’s Allied Forces had worked tirelessly to ensure the logistics of the Coalition’s offensive into Azshara went smoothly. It hadn’t, but his efforts had overcome the obstacles that had arisen and forced the success of the mission.

Now, all along the roadway leading to the rear gates of Orgrimmar, were lines of siege vehicles. Horde-made demolishers and catapults, personnel carriers and supply wagons. Logistics officers moved this way and that, clipboards in hand, verifying manifests and doing inventory on supplies.

With the storms continuing to rage and ravage the coasts, much of the mobilization had been cobbled together from various Horde and friendly outposts over Kalimdor. Demolishers moved from the Barrens and Ashenvale, traveling over dusty roads. Argent supplies shipped down from the Everlook in Winterspring, tapping into the stockpiles there established in the times of the Argent Dawn. Wagons piece-mealed together from whatever broken down carriage Marshal Valaryon and his men could find.

Every step of assembling this offensive had been a struggle requiring ingenuity and improvisation, blood and sweat shed for every inch claimed, pushing forwards the prepare for the battles to come.

And now, the heavily armoured Argent sin’dorei stood in silent observation, his lone eye roaming over the working being completed.

He had done everything he could to prepare.

Now it would depend on the tenacity of the soldiers beneath his and High Warlord Ranstrom’s command, guided by the wisdom and mad genius of Shan’do Silverstream.

Athelar’s jaw tensed and he cast his gaze towards the rear gates, looking beyond, out into Azshara as lightning arced across a sky made black by the unnatural storms that had strangled Kalimdor’s supply lines and forced Orgrimmar to its knees. He knew out in the ruins, the Naga were forming in massive numbers, readying themselves for their offensive.

An overwhelming force, to strike at the Horde and attempt to pierce its heart.

To finish the job that the storms had started.

To end them all.

“… Not without a g—amn fight first.”

In-Character Ride Out tomorrow at 8PM Server Time!

Meeting at the Barracks for speeches and a ride through the city before heading into Azshara by way of the Rear Gates of Orgrimmar!


Get your armor and battle flags ready, it’s marching time! FOR THE HORDE!


Really excited to attend this!



(I drew this just to respond).


A few screenshots from tonights event!



• 7:30pm ST (CST): Briefing at Rear Orgrimmar Gate

• 8:00pm ST (CST): The Battle for Eldarath (Battle, Siege - Bramblestar, Athelar, Ranstrom -25+ ) (This will be affected by phasing, so if you HAVE done the story quests, either bring a proxy or go to one of the other two!)
• 8:00 pm ST (CST): Undermining the Competition (Battle, Expertise - Abaddon - 10-15 )
• 8:00pm ST (CST): The Lady of the Lake (Scouting, Expertise - Delamer, Sana - 10-15 )

We will be using for our d20 system! It is the Warcraft Conquest system with an added expertise system for out-of-combat rolls.

Sign up on the discord!



• 7:30pm ST (CST): Briefing at The Ruins of Eldarath

• 8:00pm ST (CST): Pool’s Closed (Battle, Expertise - Ranstrom & Lurhtz - 15-25 )

• 8:00 pm ST (CST): Low Tide, High Time for Theft (Expertise, Scouting - Delamar & Sana - 10-15 )

• 8:00pm ST (CST): Rocketway to Hell (Battle, Scouting, Expertise - Bramblestar - 15-25 )


• 7:30pm ST (CST): Briefing at The Ruins of Eldarath
• 8:00pm ST (CST): Beachhead (Battle, Siege - Ranstrom - 15-25+ )
• 8:00 pm ST (CST):The Five Rules of Dodgebomb (Battle, Siege - Bramblestar - 15-25+ )
• 8:00pm ST (CST): Same Day Delivery (To the Maw) (Vehicle - Athelar)


As the defense of the ruins has come to a close, the Coalition’s forces require a day to recoup. Many sustained heavy injuries in the battles yesterday. Goblin allies got to work returning the favour. While the Coalition was licking wounds at the emergency medical bay down on the beach, they got to work reinforcing the ruins.

Kwikbizzle escaped his zeppelin using his CRIMSON TERMINATION PL-074RM0R ESCAPE ROCKET. The smoke lines left in the wake of the fiery pod could be traced back to one location:

Bilgewater Harbor.

With the naga showing the brunt of their forces, legions leaving Coalition fighters critically wounded, surely they were in the depths around the isle, waiting to defend it, should there be an attack on BAM!azon operations.

We rest, and then we buckle up for impact…
… that is, if goblin vehicles even have seatbelts.

Enjoy your day off! We will be back in the Ruins of Eldarath today. Have some cozy camp RP!


I forgot to post yesterday! WHOOPS. I had a lot of fun DMing still!

Here is the line up for today:

• 7:30pm ST (CST): Briefing at The Ruins of Eldarath

• 8:00pm ST (CST):Plan A-id (Expertise, Scouting - Sana and Delamer - 10-15):
To move our assault to Bilgewater Harbor and attack Kwikbizzle head-on, the Coalition leadership finds it prudent to evacuate civilians and minimize the danger that this conflict may cause for them. Lead by Lieutenant Swiftclaw and Magistrix Delamar, the group will be responsible for finding civilians and escorting them off the island.

• 8:00 pm ST (CST):Plan B-ait (Battle, Expertise - Bramblestar - 20-30)
Last night, the naga unveiled a weapon that they were hiding beneath the waves: a kraken. The great leviathan pummeled the group with its tentacles before the naga were forced to retreat. Now that House Mir-celuthrim has deployed it into battle, they may not be so shy about using it again. For any strike against the naga to be successful, this sea monster must be dealt with. Shan’do Silverstream commands a group to tend to this threat. Time to go fishing.

• 8:00pm ST (CST):Plan C-4 (Battle, Expertise - Athelar - 15-25)
While the Plan A team is on Bilgewater, they’ll need a distraction in order to successfully complete their mission. Marshal Valaryon has planned to set up a distraction to gain the attention of the bruisers and BAM!azon while the civilians are evacuated. When in doubt, just blow it up! There isn’t a problem that explosives can’t fix.


• 7:30pm ST (CST): Briefing at The Ruins of Eldarath
• 8:00pm ST (CST): Thunderstruck (Battle, Siege, Expertise - Bramblestar, Abaddon, Sana - 25+ )
• 8:00 pm ST (CST): It’s a Long Way to the Top (Battle, Expertise - Ranstrom, Lurthz, Delamar - 15-25 )
• 8:00pm ST (CST): T.N.T (Vehicle - Athelar, Arranax, Rommal - 10)

Time for the finale! No pressure!

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