[H- RP] < Atal'loa > Troll Guild

It was a fun questline! Not too long or overly involved either if you do it on a level 70 toon, just the right amount of story.


Update: The Discord is made, still working out kinks on it though but it is up. A few people have joined currently, even before its fully ready, to those I thank you. :smiley: I have gotten orders to go overseas for a year, and plan to take leave just before. So I will be unavailable for a a bit as my computer is shipped overseas. I maybe able to log on on my old computer, but no promises.

This is the reason I’m pushing the actual start of the guild back for a bit, and it gives time for myself to work on the guild. My goal was to have atleast a small group of trolls for the next Vanguard event, but I’m fairly certain the timing isn’t going to work for that. So when I do get time, I plan to have a group social/meeting even as the first event.

The Trolls WILL stand tall! Come and stand with us!


Will have to look for you on my Zandalari Druid!


Life happens, we’ll be here!


Trolls are my favorite thing to roleplay and I am absolutely obsessed with them. I would definitely be interested if you were willing to have me. Been wanting to switch to MG for a while now with the horde!

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You are definitely welcome.

If you scroll up to post 13-ish, our leader is dealing with some IRL things so formation is going slower, but we’d still love to have you! :smiley:


I can totally understand <3 If you guys have a discord or perhaps even another way to contact, I’d love to help if you wish it!

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I think he was still working on a few kins with the discord, but Zulzan is fairly good at checking here in the forums when he has time. -nod- So he’ll likely see this convo as soon as he’s able.

I’m quite excited about this so I’m glad there’s more interest! :grin:

Troll guilds used to be a peak for while. There were SO many of them. Now there’s barely any, so im glad to see them back. The troll lore has always been my bread and butter. <3


Oh yes the Discord is created, I’m just about as good at it as a bird trying to swim. I’ll have to grab an invite and post it here


Please post it!

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:eyes: a troll guild you say


Good luck! I’ve roleplayed Trolls for 4-5 years now; they’re an amazing race to explore and write stories for!


https ://discord. gg/bCcvPHfkcm


I can’t wait to see this guild form. I really enjoyed the Zandalar leveling experience recently and it got my thinking about Trolls again.

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Good to see a Troll guild forming up, I hope to see you guys make appearances out in public soon!

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Did this guild ever get started? Ive been dying to play in a troll guild.

Hi Fellow Troll Heroes!
I’ll be recruiting Brave and Wise Trolls to Unite on a Focused Troll Cultural Development.
We Can RP, PVP and PVE!

Help Unite the Tribes!


I’m surprised this forums came back to life. I decided a while back to change it to the Atal Mhuto. Which has its own form, I’m still definitely still around and RPing. I’m just on Korean Time rn until I’m back in the States. So building has been a bit… difficult.


Hey Kezhani!
Is Nice to See a Fellow Troll Promoting Troll Nativity!
Hope you Join us on UTT as a Tribal Leader!
We got an Ingame Community and a Discord Server!

peace n voodoo