[H] Rogue/Warrior - Arms-fury-prot-combat-sin

Skipped TBC cept leveling mostly same for Vanilla . Wotlk was my fave. During Wotlk completed all raids + Undying + 3 drakes …

Played retail for many year CE once in nyolotha Quit in Shadowlands.

Looking for late night raiding guild 9pm + EST

Loot council / MS < OS . Fine by me . I don’t really get to worried excited about it.

Played all the above specs extensively over the years . Combat Arms and Fury are my best. Rogue would be best specially if there are 2 of us but playing arms wont break my Heart . Arms warrior is an Orc too BTW

Contact Aexxis(rogue) Mokgora (warrior) or minionsldr#1590