Hey all!
I’m a semi-fresh lvl 70 rogue and am looking for a guild to call home. I enjoy playing all aspects of the game but have a focus on PVE. I’m looking for a group of people who just enjoy playing the game and are willing to have a rogue play with them XD. Add me on discord largeleroy#9287 or respond below if I sound like I may be a good fit.
PS I am attune for kara, just need some more gear before i step in
Hey Cordonath!
We could use a rogue! Our core is made up of AOTC raiders from retail, and we switched to TBC because retail is, well, retail. We’re growing and learning from each other, helping out with professions, running dungeons, etc. Our one rule is treat others well, so we’re a diverse and inclusive lot. The guild is named Comraich (com-ree) which is Scots Gaelic for “sanctuary.”
We’ll raid when we’re ready, and that’s optional for us. In retail, our raid times were T/Th, 9:30-11:30 pm Eastern (also server time). We’re spread out over four time zones, so that was our sweet spot. If that works for our crew in TBC, then that’s what we’ll go with.
Let me know if you’d like to chat more, or feel free to contact any of our guild members ingame.
Mizmac#1505 (btag)
Mceuan#9150 (Discord)