(H) Rogue 200ilvl LF active guild

Not looking for some top end guild , just one that fits these points alongside being friendly and active .

  • Thats active between 4pm EST and 11pm EST(even later on the weekends)
  • Thrive to earn AotC each tier at the very least
  • Does up to 15s every season
  • Does pvp on the side , earning saddles and elite mog set between guildies
  • That is very active in endgame content and is social OUTSIDE discord . Im tired of missing run because i dont hop on discord the second i log on wow :wink:

Thats about what im looking for , just tired of the pug scene overall or guild that looks dead and inactive unless youโ€™re always in discord .

The number of guild members does not matter , im fine with joining 4 other active players for m+ and pugging the raid together too .