Hey everyone, after a break from WoW I am looking to return and find a group of people to game with. Looking for a chill guild, I would like to join one that is Medium to hardcore in raiding or PvP, both would be amazing.
Im playing a Resto druid, Assas Rogue and Hpally. all 120 and 425-435 Gear score.
Little about myself, I’m in my 30’s married, 2 kids and a job that allows me to game a LOT lol. Looking to abuse that privilege as much as possible. I try to stay away from drama and cancer-ish groups so if thats you move along lol. Even if I only have a small group of people to play with that is enough, I have a M+ team we run every weekend etc but thats about all we do. Looking for more now. Hit me up if you would like to chat more…
Hey Xcerbrus! If horde is an option, we might be a fit for what you’re looking for
Here at Haven, we could be a fit for you! We are an adult oriented guild that considers each other family and just loves slaying pixels together. We laugh, poke fun at each other and get the job done all at the same time =P
We are 8/8H and only dabble in mythic at the end of a tier to kill time. We don’t go hard at it though, we are AOTC driven. Most of us have been playing together for years, some since BC days. We are long established and all just love playing together.
Raid times: Tues-Weds, 10pm-12am EST. We are looking to possibly add another 2 hours next tier (most likely Thurs), just to have 6 hours a week to progress at a decent pace.
Current needs: primarily dps, but open to another healer or two (that’s willing to dps during farm) for when we enter some mythic fun and for next tier progression. We are lacking the following: rogue, warrior, boomkin, shammy dps, dk dps, and a hunter.
Feel free to hit us up (bnet: Raychacha#1790, Muzei#1983, Lailyne#1446 or discord: Lailyne#5781) if you are interested in joining not just a raid group, but a group of people that consider themselves family.
hey there Xcerbrus,
We are a very chill group. Lots of silly banter. No drama. We’re a smaller group in general (15-20 people most of the time) and most of us are IRL friends. I’d definitely be interested to talk to you about your rogue or pally (I already have a rdruid). I don’t know if you’re able/interested in swapping to horde, but if faction doesn’t matter to you then hopefully we can chat.
We are on a semi-break. Meaning we’re just raiding 1 night/week until 8.3 is close to coming out then we’ll get back into the swing of things. We usually clear EP in 1 night (Tues). Then M+ or goof off on Thurs. We have been raiding as a group since the end of WoD - so the semi-breaks are a good compromise to avoid burn-outs.
Quick Details: Guild: Secret Door Realm: Illidan Faction: Horde Raid Days: Tues/Thurs Raid Times: 9pm-12 ET Progression: 8/8 H, 2/8M Uldir, 9/9H BoD, 2/2H CoS, 1/8 M EP (All AotC of course)
I will add your bnet and maybe we can chat! Hope to hear from you.
Discord: Anda#0691
Bnet: Anda#1503
Dungeon Crawl is an Adult Raiding Guild on Illidan with a long history. Looking for players round out the Team.{8/8 Heroic 8/8 NormaL Eternal Palace } Experienced Raiders 420+ Raid Times T/TH 8-11 est. Fun Raiding while Progressing.