[H] Returning player with Vault AOTC seeking guild

Little about me:
I played when DF released for about 2 months. I played exclusively Devoker. In that time I got AOTC for vault.
I just redownloaded WoW yesterday.
I decided I’ll likely play a hunter in War within. So I am very inexperienced. But I’m a fast learner, and I grind pretty heavily.
I want nothing more than to improve.

What I’m looking for:
A guild that is social enough to hang out in discord, but competitive enough to have AOTC/CE goals.
I don’t want to be a part of a 200 person guild where I’m just a number and no one knows each other.
Also don’t want to be a part of a 10 person guild where we have to regularly pug multiple raid fillers.
Slurs are unacceptable. Period.
I’m okay with transferring servers.

On warcraft logs, I’m on area52: EatTheRichh
It should show I was AOTC, and was like 3/8M within the first couple months DF existed.
Contact me on discord if you’d like:

Hey. I just created a guild a few days ago. Looking to put together a raid team for AOTC. I’m open to all skill levels as long as you put in the effort. Hmu if you’re interested and want to talk about it.
Mmoargynn on discord
Mmoargynn #1987 on bnet

Hey there! I’m Byndi, the GM of the guild Gnome Depot. :smile: After reading your post, I think you might be a great fit to our little family! We are currently recruiting for our AOTC team in preparation for TWW. I’m going to attach our guild page for you to take a quick look through, and if your interested… I would love to sit down and chat with you! Best of luck on your guild hunt!![A][Stormrage]<Gnome Depót> AOTC Guild Recruiting for TWW!