I am returning from a long break from WoW, played semi hardcore from the beginning days of Vanilla (MC, BWL, AQ40, etc) and ended up walking away right after Naxxramas raid. I just started playing retail (dragonflight) a month or so back and got hooked. That was until the end game… I earned AOTC season 1, am currently in a guild that is 7/9 heroic and all I can say is, retail end game just “ain’t it” for me. I am not enjoying the loot pinata that is the weekly vault, they are handing out heroic raid level gear for running timewalking dungeons, its just silly. 9 times out of 10 even in M+ you just faceroll through the enemies with zero conversation, it’s simply not enjoyable.
I am not a hardcore player, I am looking to play with a chill group of people who enjoy this game and like to kill stuff while talking to other human beings. I used to raid as a holy paladin so I am returning to try that again. If anyone has room in their guild for someone who wants to do whatever PVE endgame content is in a relaxed but focused atmosphere, let me know! I also need to level first so if there are any leveling guilds hit me up!
Marthafocker - Blood Elf Paladin