[H] Returning player LF guild

Hiya! I’m a returning player to classic looking for a new guild since mine fell apart around mid TBC. I’ve raided from original WoTLK through MoP, then for a bit in Legion, Shadowlands, and WoW Classic.

I currently have a druid, paladin, warrior, shaman, and rogue so I’m pretty flexible and willing to switch up on whatever a group may need but I’d prefer to roll feral, rogue, or pally

Would prefer to have a fairly casual group that raids anywhere between 5pm-12am EST on weekends/weeldays. Fine with semi-hardcore as well. Mostly just looking for a guild that progresses but has a good vibe and knows how to have some fun.

I’m currently on Mankrik but been looking into server transferring lately so been scoping out a couple servers for a solid group of folks

Feel free to reach out on discord or Bnet
Discord: Stiver32#8620
Bnet: Stiver32#11832