I started playing WoW in TBC when I was in college and I’ve played the game fairly consistently for the past 13 years.
In the last few years, I took a break from any serious raiding (and got married and had two kids along with way), but I am looking to return to get back into raiding again (Normal / Heroic) and Mythic plus.
I am available to play anytime after 6:30pm (EST) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday; I can play anytime on the weekends.
My goal is to raid Normal / Heroic raid content - I’m not interested in pushing bleeding edge Mythic raids as I’m not willing to make the time commitment necessary. Having a healthy ‘WoW / work / family’ balance is very important to me ;-D
I have 6 characters capped at 120 and throughout the years have tanked, healed, and DPS’ed, though more recently, I’m more interested in going further with my Resto Shaman. While the bulk of my raiding experience was from years past, I have a lot of prior raiding experience - Karazhan, ICC, ToC, Ulduar, Naxxramas, EoE, OS, VoA, BoT, Antorus, Emerald Nightmare, and Uldir
I just want to play this game in an active community again - to share experiences, find friends, build relationships - and have fun. I’m a pretty chill dude - I’m in my 30s - no drama.
While all my characters are on Area 52, I’d be willing to server transfer for the right guild - my battle.net ID is Daxxor#11529