Hi im returning from a multiple month break ( around mind season 3 ) where i was GM and raid leader for a guild, i had to leave the game to focus on IRL things and now that ive gotten alittle more comfortable im ready to return back to the game. Im no longer interested in leading and would much rather fill in a position for a good team. Im willing to almost any class and am pretty confident i can be competitive with them.
Classes im interested in playing with
Mythic Raiding Experience on
Holy Priest(My Preferred Class): tinyurl .com/RenjipriestLogs1
BM Hunter : tinyurl. com/RenjithuntLogs
All Specs Pally : tinyurl .com/RenjitsuLogs1
Demon Hunter (No logs and will have to level one on this account but willing)
Classes im willing to play and am comfortable enough to raid mythic
Im preferably looking for a 3 day raid team but am open to all
My Availability:
Any Day
Earliest start time - 6pm Eastern
Latest End Time - 10pm (if its a good fit i might be able to go as late as 11pm-12pm) Eastern
on Mondays and Tuesdays times do not matter
Discord: Renjitsu
Bnet: Renjitsu#11182