I’m a returning Holy Paladin (stopped after patch 7.1) and currently in needs of a raiding guild.
My Background:
I started at the end of MoP, but only really got into raiding during WoD. I am very dedicated and focused. I can work well under pressure if required.
(I have tons of logs if you can look them up. I can’t seem to find them, though… except for Emerald Nightmare. For WoD logs, look up “Agonywalker-ArgentDawn”)
During WoD and most of Legion, I was loyal to one guild thus I did not seek to move on a seek out a Mythic guild. I usually organized pug raids as well as attending a lot of them in my own times to refine my mechanics as well as my personal gears.
I have completed Normal and Heroics of all the raids in WoD and Emerald Nightmare (Ahead of the Curve of everything except for Black Foundry)
What you can expect from me now:
I am currently a college student thus I have less time than I had in high school. But I can still dedicate quite a lot of time to WoW since I am off from school for a year (still taking classes but not officially enrolled). For this summer, I can dedicate any day of the week but Mondays and Wednesdays to raiding.
I am quite a bit of a nuisance sometimes when I get bored. Though I am A LOT more mature now than 2-3 years ago, there was a time when I used to use the Swap-blaster to swap people out of that root thing that requires you to stack on the rooted person in Emerald Nightmare. Just a small heads up if you are a super dead serious, no quarter given guild. If I kill you with my swap-blaster, I’ll happily pay your repair bills or you can just tell me to stop.
Info dump:
Philosopher. Can get really deep into seemingly light conversations.
Asian. Expect “Eh…” accent. Expect mediocre understanding of puns.
Will accommodate realm transfer if needed as well as any required voice com.
West Coast, Seattle, PDT.
Came back last Friday. Started leveling right away. ilv 400.
Hi, Remigor,
I absolutely love your comment about mediocre understanding of puns, because I only tell mediocre puns!
We are Chain Reaction, an Alliance guild on Lightbringer, looking to raid T/Th 7-9:30 pm PST. We also enjoy engaging in other content, such as Mythic + dungeons. If any of that is something you’re interested in, hit me up: battletag RowanBeth #1291.
Idk if you’ve already found a new home, but if you’re still on the hunt, give us a look. We raid Mondays (!) but if you can swing it, we may be a good fit.
My guild Part Time Heroes on US-Hyjal is a casual progression guild. We focus on getting AotC and then dive into Mythic content with whatever time we have left in the tier. Our raid days/times are Thurs 8-11pm PST and Mon 8-10pm PST. Not sure if that aligns well with what you are looking for, but if you can swing the times, we may be a good fit! If you’re interested I’d love to chat! My btag and link to our guild post are below. Thanks!
Tyrannosaurus Rekt of <Seraph> Mal’Ganis is a Cutting Edge (CE) team founded just before Uldir to be a close-knit group of players who want to grow into the most successful 6-hour/week Mythic raiding team possible.
We raid two days a week.
Sun/Mon 9-12 Server Time (CST)
Good attitude! No one likes to hanging out with Negative Nancy or Ragaholic Ryan.
ilvl 410+, neck level 50+ (or close enough), 7/9M experience or better in BDA (or previous relevant Mythic experience). We may consider exceptional applicants who are returning to raiding, and have great logs from previous tiers
You must know your raiding class/spec thoroughly well. We will deep dive your logs.
No alts are required, but if you choose to raid on one, you should play it well enough to not need coached by others.
90% attendance. You must bring your focus and A-game for those 6 hours every week. TRekt raids on an ultra-light schedule, so your active participation and reliability are imperative for us to progress at an enjoyable and engagingly fast pace.
Still reading? Yay!
If you’re the kind of player who loves to run M+, post pictures of your cat/dog, or just really likes dinosaurs, please don’t hesitate to reach out!