Hello fellow raiders!
I am coming back for SL after taking a year off WoW. Went to try out FFXIV Online as well other games. I can either go resto druid or priest and flex a dps if needed. I am pretty open to anything and will change for the best for the team.
I’ve been playing on and off since classic. Was a big pvp dude till I started raiding back during Naxx. I went serious raiding during WoD which got CE then as well during all of legion. I went 8/8 mythic for Uldir then fell off the game. For some reason my profile doesn’t show I completed Uldir but I definitely killed him.
I am looking for up to 3 days a week raiding schedule (can do more as long its communicated) but need a late night time (10 PM+ EST) (Tuesday - Friday)
I am horde currently but for the right team, I wouldn’t mind going Alliance. I enjoy M+ runs for the challenge as well PvP which I will be getting back into also.
you can reach me at K R A Z Y#5369 on discord.
I raided on my monk kråzy (sorry about the a code) and also my druid krãzy.
Tried adding your discord but it wasnt working. We raided together back in WOD and are looking for a solid healer for our roster. 2 night cuttin’ edge etc. Hit me up
btag- Mke#11978
disc- Dj#5612
<Dusk to Dawn> is a late night Horde guild on Mal’Ganis forming for the rest of BFA and into Shadowlands. Our goal is to clear at least 75% of Mythic every tier in Shadowlands. CE would be nice, but I’m more interested in finding people that care more about the community than the progression. Basically, if we get it, that’s great but we won’t be upset if we fall short. We are keeping the roster limited to only the raid team so that people can actually bond and form friendships with their fellow raiders. We’re taking our time filling the roster because we are making sure the people we bring in are highly skilled and fit the personality of the group well instead of just bringing in anyone to buffer our numbers. When Shadowlands drops, we plan on clearing content quickly. Many of our members are returning Mythic/CE experienced raiders.
We already have a very tight-knit group. People are online in discord every night hanging out and chatting. We run M+ pretty much every night we aren’t raiding (even before/after raids some nights). We also have people doing arenas, mechagon hard modes, and dungeon/raid achievements. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, I’d love to chat more!
Raid Times:
Progression nights:
- Tuesday: 11pm - 1am CST (9pm - 11pm PST)
- Wednesday: 11pm - 1am CST (9pm - 11pm PST)
- Thursday: 11pm - 1am CST (9pm - 11pm PST)
Farm night (optional)
- Sunday: 11pm - 1am CST (9pm - 11pm PST)
12/12N, 12/12H, 4/12M (with a couple pugs)
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or fill out our simple app and we’ll get in touch with you:
- Discord: Zamereon#4336
- Bnet: Zamereon#1622
- App: bit.ly/DuskToDawnApp
Hey Krazy, would love to chat. Add me and we can talk more in detail.
We are formed by a group of veteran players that have known each other for years. Our core leadership has top US 30-100 experience. We also have a few people who have pushed 12/12M this tier. We are a laid back group but know when it is time to get serious and push content. We raid a relatively light schedule compared to other guilds at our rank and want to be efficient and effective with our time.
With many of us having experience in higher end raiding the target for the guild is to progress in the US 100-200 range. As a result, we are taking our time with recruitment in order to meet these goals.
Current recruitment needs:
Melee DPS – DK
Ranged DPS – Warlock, Hunter
Healer- Disc/Holy Priest, MW Monk
With a new expansion just around the corner we are flexible to what people are looking to play and are open to changes for Shadowlands.
Raid Times:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 11:00-2:00AM EST
If you have any questions or would like additional info please feel free to reach out to either
Kurtis (Recruitment Officer): Burtis#11734 (Btag) Kurtis#2708 (Discord)
Moja (Raid Lead): Moja#11524 (Btag) Saint#0374 (Discord)
Added you on disc - Jered12#7205
I AM STILL LOOKING~!! Shadowland is right around the corner… kinda…
Crimson Brotherhood is looking to add some heals and ranged dps headed into shadowlands. Check us out!
Hello! My name is Bullcon and I represent Raiding Is Hard. We are a late-night horde raiding guild based on Area52. We are 12/12M and are currently looking for people that want to raid at a cutting edge level in Shadowlands and push rankings.
About us:
We are a bunch of older dudes that like to kill bosses, our goal is to get cutting edge every tier and push rankings. We started Nyalotha about 4 months late, we built a team and we were able to achieve Cutting Edge. We got US #934 and although we’re ecstatic we got Cutting Edge we would like to push ourselves and earn a better ranking in Shadowlands, the idea the team has settled on is US top 200. We think this is a fairly attainable goal and expect to surpass it, once Castle Nathria is over and we see where we land we will decide as a team what we want to aim for in the next tier. Pushing ourselves is a team decision and we’re looking for people that share the same mindset.
What you can expect from us as a guild:
A community-driven environment. We try our best to foster a positive and caring community, our guides and raiders are friends and we’re always trying to help each other succeed.
Frequent direct communication between you and the officer team . We always want to be on the same page and are always willing to listen to thoughts, feelings, and concerns, our door is always open!
Strong & passionate leadership . We’ve been playing this game for a long time, we know what it takes to succeed and we’re always striving to put our best foot forward!
Excellent organization! We strongly believe that the best way to push progress is to be prepared and have a plan. The officer team is always strategizing and figuring out the most efficient way to get stuff done. We’re a big fan of spreadsheets, guides, and powerpoints and we’re always there to help our raiders learn and grow.
We raid Tuesday/Thursday from 11pm-2am PST/2am-5am EST/1am-4am CST. In the beginning of the tier, we usually add a Wednesday raid day so we can push early progress. After the first 2-3 weeks, this Wednesday raid becomes an optional attendance sell run, we sell Heroic/Mythic on these days in order to fund our guild repairs and put some money in our raider’s pockets. Over the course of Nyalotha, our raiders made a couple of million gold each, and we were able to fund our guild repairs for the entirety of the tier.
What we’re looking for:
We’re looking for a solid healer, this person will ideally be someone who has an extensive history of healing at a high level of play, across multiple healing specs. A person that is very team-oriented, vocal and will work with the other members of the healing team to help effectively plan out healing CD’s on a fight to fight basis. The officer team, for the most part, charts, and plans healing CD’s but we rely on the healing team heavily to advise us on proper usage/timings and as such we’re looking for someone who will work well with the healing core and help advise us. This person will know that healing is a team effort and not a competition.
We’re also interested in strong DPS applicants, we’re open to pretty much every class/spec but due to the nature of the fights in Castle Nathria, we are only looking to bring 3-5 Melee DPS so spots there are limited.
The ability to raid late-night consistently- We are a late-night raiding guild, we’re looking for people that can make the hours listed for now and the foreseeable future.
Progression-First mindset- We raid at a high level, that means we wipe. A LOT. Our N’zoth kill was over 200+ wipes! This is just the nature of competitive raiding, especially early on in tiers, sometimes bosses are over-tuned (Looking at you Fetid Devourer) Sometimes bosses have steep DPS checks that you’re just shy of making and one more week of gear is all you really need. We’re looking for people that understand the nature of competitive raiding in wow and aren’t gonna get burnt out after a couple of weeks of progress.
Flexibility- We ask that our raiders be as flexible as they can in their role, to achieve this we’re asking people to maintain a minimum of two characters for the first couple weeks of each tier. Obviously, after 2-3 weeks of Mythic your alt will naturally fall behind, and maintaining them will fall to the wayside, but for the initial weeks of each tier having another character that you can switch to if need be is invaluable. Let’s say you’re a shadow priest because they’re really strong, and then Blizz Nerfs them and you can’t play disc or holy, if you didn’t have another toon we may have to bench you. Or let’s say there’s a fight like Mythic G’huun were you really want 3-4 Warlocks, if we have people that have warlock alts ready to go that will do nothing but help the team.
Maintain your character outside of raid- We ask that you do everything you need to do outside of raid to maintain your main. In BFA there were things like Grinding Azerite, farming echoes for corruption, farming visions for gem sockets, doing your weekly 15, etc. We need everyone to play at their full potential and in order to achieve that you’re gonna have to do what you have to do outside of raid. Currently, this looks like capping your weekly renown, farming maw currency for sockets, upgrading your legendaries, and doing some Torghast. It’s imperative that you’re able to do these things.
Understand that raiding is a team effort- Raiding is a team effort, 20 people come together and work with each other in order to kill bosses. You must understand that in the progression we do not care about your Parses, sometimes we’ll ask you to do jobs that will directly affect your ability to do damage, sometimes we’ll ask you to die, sometimes we may have to sit individuals for certain fights if they’re having a bad night or we need a different class (think Stacking Immunities on N’zoth or Warlocks on G’huun) These things happen and they’re not personal this is just the nature of progression raiding. We’re looking for people that are team-oriented.
Previous Raiding History- This one we’re a bit flexible on, we’re looking for people that have a history of high-level raiding because these people understand the struggles of progression raiding and know what needs to be done in order to kill bosses before nerfs. However, this is not mandatory like the other requirements are, we are willing to entertain anyone with a good attitude. In shadowlands, we will aim to trial 25-30 people in the first 2 weeks and then pick our core 20 based on the performance displayed in those 2 weeks. You’ll have to earn your spot and if you think you can then feel free to apply.
Contact info:
If you got through that big ol’ wall of text then let me just ask that you look at our days/times one more time and make sure they work for you before reaching out. You wouldn’t believe how many people misread those times lol. If the times and days work out for you then feel free to reach out to me any time of day and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
BTAG- Bullcon#1672
Discord- Bullcon#6858
still looking! tuesday - friday / 3 day a week late night guild / 10 PM EST +. I also pVp!