Hello friends,
I took a short break from WoW to deal with some RL stuff (mostly moving) and I am looking for a new home to tackle Naxx with. Looking for a guild that raids during the week ideally but open to weekends for a good group of people.
Ideal raid times are between 7PM EST and Midnight EST.
100% willing to transfer realms.
If you are interested add me.
Discord: FRAIL#3482
Battle.net: FRAIL#11456
I sent you a request. Would like to chat!
Added you on Battle.net. If you are still looking I would love to speak with you!
Hey Frail!
Theorem raids Monday/Tuesday/Thursday. We invite at 730 and pull at 8pm EST! Were on the mankrik server which is the most populated horde pve servers. We are 5 bosses down in Naxx. Tues/Thurs are usually the “prog” days and monday is the older raid gear catch up days.
I went ahead and sent you a friend request on bnet! I’m Liayda. Hope to hear from you soon 
Hello, wondering if you ever found a Guild? We would love to have you at AFK on Skeram. I sent you a battle net request. Would be thrilled to hear from you.
Hi friends.
Felt the need to update this as I have been getting messages still.
I’ve found a guild that I enjoy raiding with and we’ve killed KT. Appreciate all of you reaching out. Have a great day!