Horde only. AOTC last few tiers. Looking for guild that achieves AOTC every tier as well as downs some mythic bosses. Have a demon hunter that will be joining as well. Can’t raid after 10:30 cst on weekdays.
Horde only. AOTC last few tiers. Looking for guild that achieves AOTC every tier as well as downs some mythic bosses. Have a demon hunter that will be joining as well. Can’t raid after 10:30 cst on weekdays.
Hi! Asylum of Azeroth is recruiting for our Heroic Palace raid team. Our goal is AOTC and to push into Mythic Palace as much as we can. We’re recent transfers from a different realm where we were 7/8 Palace. We don’t have set days for raiding yet as we want to pick days that work best for everyone, but we usually go 9-12 server. You can contact our GM in game at Neonlight#11788 or myself at Colin#1601.
Hey there Deliriumm,
<Lucid Ascension> is seeking skilled and driven players to form a new mythic raid core! Our founding members have a long, storied history of heroic and mythic raiding. Our primary goal is to forge a solid raid group that clears each tier on mythic before the next one comes out.
Raid nights are Tuesday & Thursday (8:30pm – 10:30pm server time).
We could use a good resto druid. Do you have any off specs?
Let me know if you’re are interested or hit me up in-game: Onishuken#1825
< Tolarian Academy > 8/8H Recruiting for core raid spots. Looking to progress mythic. looking for a solid Resto Druid. Tue/Wed/Thu 8:30-11:30pm EST.
Bump it up!!!
Ruined Immersion is looking to fill our ranks. We raid one day a week (Sat) from 11:30am-3:30pm (EST). We do mythic keys, island expeditions, and various other things throughout the week. As a bonus during raids one of our tanks has players roll at half time for 100k gold and whoever wins gets it. Now how many guilds can you say are out there that offer an incentive for raiding? If this sounds like something you might be interested in check us out below: