Looking to server transfer to a larger server. Have AOTC for the last few tiers. Usually 1st boss on mythic, guild never wanted to push past that. Looking for semi hardcore.
Hiya Deliriumm! I might have just the thing for you . Tossing copy paste below!
[Imperative] [H] [Area-52] is looking for a few exceptional players to balance out our raid team and push into Mythic Progression. Our focus is community and progression . We hang out together in discord and run multiple levels of content with each other.
Current progression: 8/8N, 8/8H AOTC Now going into Mythic
Raid times: Tuesday/Thursday
9pm to 12am EST
Tank: None
Healer: Holy Pally or Resto Druid
DPS: Ret Pally, DK DPS, Shadow Priest, Ele Shaman
If you’re looking for that place that isn’t cliquey, where you can run keys with guildies, or just shoot the we very well could be the place for you! If your class isn’t on that list hit us up anyway our bouncers take tips
Disclaimer: Not family friendly but a family!
Btag: SilentNukee#1505
Discord: SilentNukee#5576
Unfortunately those raids times are too late for us during the week. Thanks though.
Goodmorning! I’m Smitty and I’m the raid leader of [H][US-Area 52] we are a newish guild, formed in March 2019. We are an adult only guild with the purpose of being a positive and helpful community.
We run M+s on a daily basis, we make sure everyone has their M10 done for the weekly.
We teach those how to do M+s if they aren’t sure, and we thrive to do the best we can.
We offer guild repairs, feasts, flasks, gems and enchants to everyone.
We raid Friday and Saturday 8:00 to 11:00pm EST. We are currently 8/8N 6/8H, we achieved 9/9H BoD and 2/2H Crucible since forming. We are currently looking for DPS Warrior, RANGE DPS to help finalize our raid team, we currently have 15-18 core.
Once we are finish with AOTC we will do Mythic progression, we have a few new people to Mythic so we are going to introduce Mythic in a nice positive manner instead of a toxic community. We are there to help one another become a better player instead of just disrespectful to one another.
If this sounds like home to you, feel free to add me on Bnet to talk more. InTheShadows#1278
WHO WE ARE After getting into the mythic raiding scene in BfA and working up to CE in BoD, a small group of friends decided to start a new guild on US Area 52 (Horde). Our goal is to provide players with a friendly, fun, chill, and laid back atmosphere and environment for raiding and pushing mythic keys. We believe that team work makes the dream work and value strengthening our community as a team over individual progression.
We are currently looking for players to build a raiding team roster for our mythic progression to include healers and DPS. We raid every Wednesday and Thursday at 8:00 - 11:00 PM EASTERN. In addition we are always looking for players for our mythic key teams and have mythic key nights every Tuesday at 8:00 - 11:00 PM EASTERN.
Interested in joining our guild? Reach out to SDL leadership below via Battlenet or Discord!
Skeen - Guild Master - BNET - L33tSk33zY#1491 | Discord - SkeenGaming#3638
Malters - Raid Leader - BNET - Malters#1302 | Discord - Malters #7240
Blurie - Log & Key Master - BNET - Gillydakid#1267 | Discord - blurie #7748
Hello. we are currently recruiting here is our info below. We just merged our 2 guilds that were split raiding so Wowprogress is off but if you have any questions feel free to message me or an officer.
Bnet: Rooster#12720
Good Morning! Standard copy pasta below for your consideration:
Chemical Imbalance is looking for more skilled raiders to push into 8.2 Mythic content.
We expect the best from all our players, including officers who live up to their titles and raiders who maximize their performance, not their excuses.
Please note all raids are mandatory and players are expected to post out in advance when they know they will have to miss a raid, so check your schedule before your proceed further!
We are not looking for raiders who only show up for farm nights or are generally unreliable.
Our team raids from 9:00pm-12:00pm EST(server time) Friday and Saturday
8/8 N EP
8/8 H EP
What can you expect from us?
-Within our raid team you can expect a friendly and reliable group of players willing to help out others and also run other content outside of raiding such as mythic+ 5 man content, world quest, ect
-Our raids are laid back with a fun atmosphere, but focused and ready to give it our best when it comes to bosses.
-Raiders that are constantly pushing to improve their characters, Whether it be by re-gemming completely, researching their class consistently, or just working on improving their play style.
Current Openings:
Healers = druid/monk preferred
Tank = Closed
Melee = Ret Pally, Rogue highest priority
Ranged = Warlock, Shadow Priest highest priority
We will consider all classes/specs, if interested please feel free to contact.
Hope to hear from you!
Pantheon is a Heroic only with some Mythic raiding when there is time type of guild. Currently, 8/8N and 5/8H. We want to make sure raids are enjoyed, but not the mythic push stress that some endure. We all have a life, and are not basement dwellers!! Progression is KEY. Warning if you are the type who gets offended easy we are not for you Rude, Crude, and Saucy!!
We have been around since Legion so we have a solid bunch of folks. We just need more to the roster. WoW lovers unite!!
Raid times: TUE/WED 10:30pm EST - 1:00am EST.
Thur Raid/M+ switcharoos 10:30pm EST - 1:00am EST.
When we are not raiding you can typically find us running Mythic + at the max that can be done for the weekly.
Type of raiders needed: People who enjoy raiding and are consistent raiders. People who know your class inside and out, and who can multi Role in specs. Folks who love wow, and enjoy having fun and not being so serious all the time. We still get it done, but have fun doing it!
Melee: n/a
Ranged: Would love to talk with ya’ll!
Healers: Any
We don’t mind people coming back to the game or people trying to get gear. Just people who will listen, do mechanics, and can do their jobs.
Message me in game on my battletag @ GlitzyChick#1341 or on discord @ Noraina#3426