Server: Mankrik
Faction: Horde
Guild: Rested XP (No affiliation with the addon!)
Playstyle: Efficient Raiding (Full Clears)
When: Saturdays
Time: 9pm - 12am server
Duration: 3hrs
Recruitment Priority:
Enh Shamans → Disc Priest → SPriest → DPS Warriors
Experience, Goals, and Mission Statement for WOTLK Classic:
Our goal as a guild is to consistently and efficiently clear ALL raid modes in a timely manner as possible given our schedule. While we want to preserve fun and community, all of our members who intend to raid with us must understand and want to participate in a group that is dedicated to those ideals. Most of our members boast long playtimes with both the retail version of WoW, OG vanilla, and the “renewed” classic experiences. As many of our members actively raid retail, as well as classic, we decided to stick with weekend raiding for our official 25m group content (Saturday for now). Throughout the week we have 10ms and alt runs ongoing as well as daily heroic groups. Leveling players and socials are always welcome to come hang!
Naxxramas, Eye of Eternity, and The Obsidian Sanctum
17/17 Normal (25 Player)
Raid Team Expectations:
- If you’ve signed up, we expect you will be attending the raids and we shouldn’t have to slide into your DMs asking where you’re at.
- If you need to withdraw from a raid event, please give a notice in advance. Applying the approiate reaction button for the event is another option. We do understand life happens, just communicate is all we ask.
- Make sure to come raid prepared. That means food, potions, and elixirs/flasks.
- Our goal is to full clear 25M Naxxramas, Eye of Eternity, and The Obsidian Sanctum within the 3hr duration limit.
- We are firm on the time duration. Be on time or you may be sitting out. Raiding will end at the 3hr mark regardless on which boss we’re on.
Other important information
A loot council will determine and distribute gear throughout the raids in an efficient manner. Do not stop and stand around looking at loot, keep moving towards the next boss.
You will need to submit an application for the Raider role first. Follow our discord link below. Verify your account. Select a class and role. Then visit the raider application section to get started. The application process is short and sweet, I promise.
Thank you for taking your time to read our recruitment post. Remember above all we’re here to have fun. Come raid, be social, and earn EPIC loot with us!
Contact Info:
Guild Leader: Chimpsy
Officers: Ledella, Miamagus, oskeezy, and Gajabani
You can join us by visiting
Contact me via discord Cannonfury#6327