Horde Guild: {reRoll}
Raid Times: Tue/Thur 10pm-1am Server Time (Eastern Standard Time)
Current Raid Schedule: Gruul/Mag on Tuesday, Two Kara Groups on Thursday
Current Progress: Karazhan (11/11) - Gruul’s Lair (2/2) - Magtheridon (1/1)
Loot System: Kara: MS>OS - 25man: Loot Council
Current Recruitment Needs: Ret Paladin (High), Ele Shaman (Medium), Holy Paladin (Medium)
Our focus as a Guild is to provide a laid-back, fun, yet focused environment with an emphasis on being efficient with our raid time. Due to our limited raid schedule, we are looking for raiders that are: consistent and reliable, come prepared with consumes, and maintain a positive attitude during progression.
We are a newly formed Guild consisting of new players and veterans. We are seeking to clear all content TBC has to offer! Most of the guild members have families, kids, jobs/careers and look forward to raid time to have fun and slay some bosses for that sweet, sweet loot. If you are interested in joining {reRoll} please reply to this thread or reach out to Kelzane on Discord. Kelzane#9267