[H] <Reliquary> Seeking Kind & Intelligent Semi-Hardcore Raiders

Reliquary is seeking kind & intelligent players interested in semi-hardcore raiding (non-raiders are also welcome). We are a diverse & inclusive community, ELL/ESL & LGBT+ friendly.

Schedule & Progression:
• 11/11 Karazhan, 2/2 Gruul, 1/1 Magtheridon
• Raids are Monday, Wednesday, Friday
• Two guild Kara runs per week (Wednesdays & Fridays)
• Combined Gruul/Magtheridon run on Mondays
• 8:30p ET pulls

Roster Needs:
• Top priority: resto shaman & shadow priest
• One additional dedicated tank (Paladin preferred)
• General need for ranged DPS (warlocks, elemental shaman, hunters, shadow priests & boomkins preferred, but we could also use another mage).
• We are always willing to be flexible/accommodating of any class/spec, so do not hesitate to reach out even if your class/role isn’t indicated above and we can discuss.

Loot Rules:
• MS+1>OS
• Players receive +1 for each MS win.
• Roller with lowest MS+ total will always be prioritized over those with greater MS+ totals, regardless of roll value. There is no limit to the number of times a player can win a MS roll.
• OS rolls are deprioritized relative to MS rolls do not result in any +s. There is no limit to the number of times a player can win an OS roll.
• Crafting recipes are free-roll for guildies with the corresponding profession.
• All mats from disenchanting are sent to the guild bank.

Expectations: We expect raiders to respect others’ time and do research related to their character’s gear, rotation, specialization in order to perform well during raids. Raiding should be a fun and enjoyable experience, but we want folks to do what they can to improve and optimize their raid performance in order to ensure that raids are smooth, efficient, and productive.

Preparation: Consumables are critical for success and raiders are expected to come prepared with the ones relevant to their role; this includes potions (mana/health), elixirs/flasks, food buffs, and any relevant resistance potions, etc. The guild is more than happy to assist with obtaining consumes and other items/materials needed for successful raiding :slight_smile:

Reach out to me in-game or via Discord if you’re interested in joining us.

Kelansi | vertigho#7197