is a mythic raiding guild on Boulderfist. Our core has dedicated much of their time to raiding since Vanilla and continue to excel in being competitive mythic raiders. Our goal as a guild is to continue Mythic progression in a competitive, fun guild that takes pride in its accomplishments.
We will push progression hard on a relatively light schedule. Our goal is to bolster our ranks, and prepare to be among the top mythic guilds in each tier.
What we want from potential applicants is: the ability to perform at a consistently high level and have complete raid awareness, understand the encounters from every aspect, not just your class/spec. We want players who know their class and raiders who can pick up the difficulties of a fight quickly and adjust to mishaps. Finally, we’re looking for motivated players; people that are dedicated to not only raiding, but participating in every part of the game(keystones, etc.). We expect our raiders to keep up with their player power, continue pushing to improve themselves every raid by reviewing the logs for the week, listening to constructive criticism, working on rotations, etc.
During progression we will raid Tues/Wed from 7:00pm - 9:00pm server time (9:00 - 11:00pm EST). Sunday from 6:30pm - 9:00pm server time (8:30 - 11:00pm EST). Sunday will drop as content is cleared.
For more info, please join our Discord: and check out the #welcome channel.
If you’re interested in learning more or joining us, please contact an officer in-game; that said, we are currently closed for 9.0 recruitment.