Raid days: Wed/Sun 8pm-11pm EST
Loot: EPGP
A semi-hardcore guild that’s been around since Classic; we feel like home. As a mature guild, we strive to foster a positive, supportive, and inclusive environment where all guild members are respectful of one another.
Raid Expectations: 80%+ raid attendance, you come with full consumes/enchants/etc. to all main raids, and you are a team player who is laid back but can get stuff done.
Ranged DPS
Exceptional players of all classes are encouraged to apply, with the exception of main spec tanks. We love you, but we have enough. Backups/OS considered if you’re willing to main a DPS spec.
• To apply, please fill out this form and an officer will contact you: (As links are not available on forums, please use https then : followed by // and then next info) forms.gle/vWPmBwdi9QhRfEMKA
If you have any questions/need further info, feel free to contact any of the officers in-game:
• Effiny
• Thâtch
• Luapine
• Brotherfoot
• Djayyshamwow
• Urgerd
• Zanzig
If you’re looking for a guild where you’re not just a cog to get the raid machine turning, to feel recognized and remembered, to be a part of a stable community that has been around for close to a decade - then consider Refuge