Raid Days: Wed/Sun 8pm-11pm EST
A hardcore guild that’s been around since Classic; we feel like home. As a mature guild, we strive to foster a positive, supportive, and inclusive environment where all guild members are respectful of one another.
Raid Expectations: 80%+ raid attendance, you come with full consumes/enchants/etc. to all main raids, and you are a team player who is laid back but can get stuff done.
Holy/Shadow OS Priest
Exceptional players of all classes are encouraged to apply, with the exception of main spec tanks.
• To apply, please fill out this form and an officer will contact you https then : followed by // and then next info) forms.gle/vWPmBwdi9QhRfEMKA
If you have any questions/need further info, feel free to contact any of the officers in-game:
• Djayyshamwow (Discord Djayyshamwow#9713)
• Effiny
• Thâtch
• Brotherfoot
• Urgerd/Druuzz
• Zanzig
If you’re looking for a guild where you’re not just a cog to get the raid machine turning, to feel recognized and remembered, to be a part of a stable community that has been around for close to a decade - then consider Refuge