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Still looking for ranged DPS :slight_smile:

Bump! Come hang out with us this week for some easy key affixes!

Got 3 bosses down on Heroic last night, went back to Normal and cleared up to Conclave of the Chosen! Still looking for some core DPS for our Heroic/Mythic team and anyone for M+.

bumpin - Goal for tonight is to down Blockade and then go after Jaina

Bumping! Blockade down and got Jaina to 9%. Come join us!

Alt raid tonight at 6pm PST - Any role welcome, 370+ for Normal

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7/9 heroic for main raid, 7/9 normal for alt raid! still looking to fill both teams!

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Still looking for exceptional dps to round out our raid team. Always looking for more people to round out our M+ teams, as well!

Looking for dedicated people who want to knock out AOTC and push as far as we can into current and future Mythic content and/or M+s.

Still looking for some DPS to bolster our Mythic team :slight_smile: Ranged and melee considered.
WoW Wishlist: Ele Sham, Warlock, Mage, Feral, Rogue, Monk, Demon Hunter

Bumpity bump bump.

Still looking for some DPS!

Also open to absorbing small guilds/groups.

I got a DM from someone in guild suggesting you since I like to run evenings on the west coast. Experienced, flexible raider going back to BC playing all three roles. Currently have a 9/9H 409 Druid (mostly balance) that has a 1235 raider IO and a 410 lock that is just as good. Also have a 405DK but haven’t played much since I stopped tanking on him. Looking for an active guild for at minimum higher M+ runs and would love to raid when I can. Married working professional these days so cant guarantee 100% on attendance but weekday evenings I am on a lot. Bnet is Mortalstruck#1714 if you want to hit me up.

Still looking for some awesome people to join! We’re 2/2 H CoS as of last night (AOTC)!

We still have openings for DPS who’d like to join in, either for raid content or even just weekly M+ keys! Bonus points if you have tank/healer offspec that you know the basics of.

Boop Bumps!

Still looking for DPS to round out the raid roster. Mage, DH, Monk, Warlock preferred, all others considered :slight_smile:

^^ 4/9 Mythic as of last night! Got that golden pile of poop down and already at 50% on Conclave. Looking for a tank (possibly, depends on your performance and experience) and some DPS for RoA raiding!

Making good progress on M Conclave before the new raid comes out! We’re interested in forming a 2nd team, so if you’re a healer or tank, please let me know if you’re interested. - Fried :slight_smile:

Wrapped up BFD with 5/9 Mythic! Taking this coming week off from raid but hitting Eternal Palace hard on release!