(H) Reclamation - 1/11M 11/11H Recruiting

Reclamation was formed in 2006 and has been raiding consistently since then. Each tier we push for AOTC and begin to push into Mythic raid as far as we can based on member interest and attendance. We raid Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8 PM to 11 PM Central. All of our raiders push towards KSM each season, with some members pushing into 20s and higher.

We are looking for players who are knowledgeable of the class and spec they intend to play. Applicants should be willing to work as a team – not only in raid, but also in keys. Interested players should be willing to work on improving their performance by reading guides, joining and participating in class discord channels, and watching video guides. We are interested in individuals who like to play World of Warcraft enough to play the game more than just on raid nights. No raid loggers please!

We are recruiting specifically for a Protection Paladin or Blood DK for Season 4. We would be open to other tank classes in Dragonflight pending class tuning.

High-Priority Ranged DPS:
Demonology or Destruction Warlock (Affliction Warlock will be considered pending log review)
Frost or Fire Mage
Beast Master or Marksmanship Hunter

High-Priority Melee DPS
Fury Warrior
Havoc Demon Hunter

Medium-Priority Ranged DPS:
Shadow Priest
Elemental Shaman

Please contact one of our recruitment officers if you are interested in joining us:
BattleNet: cloutchocula#1908
Discord: Peach#1337

Discord: Yimas#3661

BattleNet: StudRoost#1477
Discord: Studroost#3279

BattleNet: Moonwisper#1131
Discord: Moonwisper#2714

Still looking for dedicated peeps that like to show up and raid!