[H] <Random Violence> Just getting back into the game? We run prior tier BC raids 5 nights a week!

Hello all Burning Crusaders! :wave:t3:
:crossed_swords: Just started playing again or want to gear up to get ready for Lich King? :crown:
:fire: We have most all of the BC raids on regular schedule/rotations (t4, t5, and some t6) as well as ZA bear :teddy_bear: runs every reset.
:diamonds: Our end goal is to get our Lich King raid teams pre-organized and hit the ground running on launch day.
:diamonds: For Burning Crusade, we were in Kara week 1 and cleared it on week 2.
Currently have spots open for all but are in need of healers.
We currently raid Tue thru Sat. Pull times are 7 or 8 pm server (EST) and early raids on Sat at 3 or 6 (all times are server time or EST).
Feel free to message Sanjeet (guild leader), myself, or most any one of us for more info & a Discord invite if you want to come check us out. :dizzy:
Hope to hear from you! Good luck in all your adventures! :four_leaf_clover:

  • Draca Spitfire :dragon:

Hello, my character Gentclawed would like to join when you get the chance. Druid who plans going healer at 70 and staying healer through WoTLK