[H] <Random Violence> 17/17 + OS3d LFM

We are a group of easy going players having fun together and clearing WotLK content. Our raid days/times are Fri/Sat 8pm-11pm Server time (EST). We use ThatsMyBiS+gargul for loot distribution. We’re looking for a few more core raiders to fill out our roster for immediate raid spots. In need of primarily ranged dps and a healer or two. (Prefer Mage, Warlock, Ele Shaman, Resto Shaman, Holy Priest). Will consider other class specs for motivated and reliable raiders. PST Aîmbot, Sanjeet, Wyldthing, Jinatah or Sinfool in game with any questions or to get in on the fun. Btag: Aaron83#1459 with any questions. Thanks for looking!

Still looking for a few more. Come kill internet dragons with us!

Need consistent and reliable raiders to gear up and prepare for Ulduar!

Thanks Aimbot for the post!
We are Random Violence. We’ve been around since Classic Vanilla. Our focus is maintaining a :muscle: strong raid team of consistent and cooperative people. We are well structured & team focused. We help each other out to ensure that, as a whole, the guild is successful in anything we do. :white_check_mark:

:crossed_swords: Our current goal is rounding out our 25 man raid team to prepare for Ulduar’s release. We are also in need of a Holy Paladin, Disc Priest, Hunter, and a Affliction Warlock but are accepting most anyone that has the availability and desire to be part of a consistent raid team.

:clock1: Our 25s are on Fri/Sat at 8pm to 11:30 eastern time. The 10 mans are currently Wed/Thu at 8pm & Sat at 2pm.

We use thatsmybis-com for our loot system :moneybag:. You get to pick what items are most important to you and put them on a priority list in the order you choose. :1234: It’s an efficient & fair system. We use our discord with Raid Helper for raid & raid team sign ups.

:scroll: Message most any member for more info or for an invite or a discord invite if you’d like to chat. :handshake:
Sanjeet is the guild master. Please contact him if you would like to chat on discord. :speaking_head:

:sparkling_heart: Thank you for your interest! Hope to see you in Nothrend! :dizzy: