[H] <R A T B O Y S> Recruiting for core 25m!

                                    **R A T B O Y S   now recruiting!!**

We welcome everyone that can behave respectfully. We encourage people to speak their minds freely but draw the line with racism or direct attacks on our members. This is a safe environment where we can get together and have a laugh while clearing current content.

We are recruiting for 25m core positions !!! Currently clearing all 10m HM’s and 25m N, we’re looking to solidify our roster in order to tackle 25 HM.

Currently Recruiting:
Healer: Disc Priest
DPS: Hunters, Boomy, Mage, Rogue

Raid Times (server time):
Thursday 7:00 - 11:00 PM ST
Sunday 7:00 - 10:00 PM ST
10M (Optional but encouraged)
Friday 7:00 - 11:00 PM ST
Saturday 7:00 - 11:00 PM ST

Loot system:
We utilize a loot council system based off of attendance, raid-wide benefit, performance, and activity.

Apply at discord.gg/ratboys

Contact any of the officers in game or on discord for any further info!
ign: Decladin, Decabetes - GM
ign: Gumstorm, Gumhunter - Officer
ign: Flogged, Pone, Ponex - Officer
ign: Junshmock, xiaojun - Officer