⚔ [H] PvE Server Pagle | Casual Adults | <The Dark Knights>

Yes! The discord channel is pretty great with a lot of folks that use to play vanilla coming back.

Join the discord and come check it out!

“One of us! One of us!”


I like where this is goin

You and me both

Hello Strykar, I was looking to see if i could find some numbers of about how many would be playing on Pagle and found your thread. It seems we will have a really good number of Horde Palyers that will be on the server…Nice. I was planning on starting a guild with my brothers on Pagle as a Leveling / PVP / Raiding Guild. All three of us started 4 months after the launch of TBC so we have a lot of knowledge of the game. Maybe we can just join your guild beings you have the same intentions as us. I made a whole new account just to play classic on. Add me FrostWizard#11631 . Talk with you soon. For the Horde!

About 60 strong so far.

Sounds great to me, seen and added your request.

pagle is the new stormrage alliance heavy server.

Just more people to destroy in PvP.

At about 76 strong and still growing. Come check it out!

Good afternoon, this guild sounds good to me and i’d like to hear more. I was actually planning to run a guild in classic but my plans changed.

I have a number of mature/adult friends who might also like to join a guild like this. I made a post on the recruitment forums here. Lfg - classic - pagel - horde - veteran vanilla player .

I’d like to speak with one of your officers to inquire about joining for classic.

Thank you.

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We’d be happy to chat with you. Read your post and it couldn’t be more of a perfect fit to what we have designed. Add me on bnet and/or join the discord server here:

Hope to see you there soon!

Ranks keep swelling! Come check us out!

One of the larger Horde guilds it seems. Busy adults unite!


because it’s one of the best

This group is awesome! I hope we find a lot more like minded classic players and keep it growing.

Most definitely

An old family man here definitely interested. I plan on playing horde this time around to see what its all about. I managed to get two names reserved Milkmeslow female Tauren warrior and Beetleguise male undead warlock. Probably will main a shaman just haven’t picked out a name yet. I raided towards the end of BC and most of Wrath and burned out on raiding. I’m just an altaholic these days and will probably have all classes.

Btag is Budbubba#1368 I play late night usually after 10pm so if I’m logged on before that it’s probably the wife or kid because they play as well.

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Sounds good to me, hope to see you out there!