[H] [PVE-Myzrael-PST] Horde Tough <Age Group 40+>

Hmm, I guess if I joined I would be one of the youngest people in the guild. It’s weird because I was the oldest person at my last job. I turn 42 next week, I may go to Chuck E Cheese for my party again this year.

A group of us went to Dave and Busters for my 45th b-day. Video games, booze and munchies…can’t beat that. Yeppers, you would be a young-in in this guild but we have quite a few others around your age too.

Im very interested in joining. 53 here and used to play WoW about 112 years ago and then wife , kids and life came along. I tried the “newer” WoW a few years ago and it just didn’t seem the same. I just started Classic and I’m loving it so far. Would be nice to be part of a mature type guild.

Hey Arane, it would be great to have you in the guild. Join our discord recruitment server above in the main post, fill out a quick app and we will get you into the guild a.s.a.p.

Bump…for some great peeps.

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Bumpidy bump bump

Great guild! They even allow me to be a Shaman Tank. They were reluctant at first, given that 1) I’ve never played a Shaman before 2) I’ve never tanked before. But once I mentioned that I have taken vows of chastity and poverty they enthusiastically said, “Oh tank away, thou of noble virtue and questionable skill.” See? What a guild! Oh, by the way, the guy who organizes the guild lottery is a very nice fellow if a little slow on the uptake, if you know what I mean.

Oh, by the way, Red, don’t forget my 70 gold. You’re awesome. Thanks. For the record, he’s a great GM.

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Still looking for more high level 45+, come join us.

Super Bump 5000!

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55 here and just started playing WoW again. Would love to join an older guild. I started a character on another server but he’s only 11. Guess i can just start a new one? Or can I transfer him?

Hey there Arcane- Would be great to have you in the guild. Contact Rednaxe, Hexik or Hayz. Unfortunately, no server transfers in classic.

For a guild invite to Horde Tough, contact Badmilk or Epiphany ingame. We would LOVE to have you!

As of Dec 10, 2019, Horde Tough has restructured. The original three GMs have left the guild and Horde Tough membership split into two guilds in November.

Horde Tough is no longer an over 40 age group guild. It is now a guild open to players of all ages. They do expect members to behave in a mature manner and avoid drama. Horde Tough is currently a social guild with an intention to raid sometime in the future.

I was a social member of this guild, but logged in a few days ago to find myself suddenly guild-less and the discord gone. Is there a reason the new leadership decided to flush everyone out?

What’s your name ingame FurryFury? Horde Tough didn’t “flush” everyone out.

Please contact Badmilk ingame and we’ll get this straightened out.

Heya Furryfury, I don’t think we’ve ever met. I’m Badmilk, GM of Horde Tough. The only reason you may have been removed is because of extended absence if you were of the rank recruit. If you are active again I would be happy to re-invite you to the guild. Best wishes and cheers :slight_smile:

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