If you can might want to think about returning your G502 mouse and go with a Naga Trinity or a G600 that have an added 20 buttons on the side. Have one of each (mainly because my Naga is wireless and will run out of charge at 5-6 hours) and have found them a must for MMOs. I am jealous of your wireless charging pad though.
I am with you about catching the vanilla bug bad this week, Tuesday can’t come soon enough.
I actually looked at those and when i was testing them out it seemed like i was hitting at least 2 to 3 buttons on the side at once. I think I’m good with the 11 buttons available lol. I haven’t bought the charging pad as of yet but strongly considering it. I have the G502 wired mouse for my desktop and not the wireless G502 for my laptop.
What server are you on, cause the release is actually 3pm Myzrael server time on Monday.
So given the response thus far to Classic, what is the general consensus regarding the server population and thoughts on what to do if they open more PST PVE servers? Would Horde Tough stay on a FULL server and just deal with the log in que? I dont know if I could do a several hour que timer.
Can I get permissions on the discord server please? I joined as Philthy.
71 here. Playing since early 2005 and every expansion since.
Here are a few more details: retired fighter pilot (for disability -shot down in '69 and taken POW) and retired physician (Immunology and infectious diseases). Been playing since early 2005 and stuck with it (every expansion since Vanilla). I read that invites were closed until after release so I’m just posting this so you might evaluate me for membership after you reopen invites for guild membership.
My toon on Myzrael is a male undead priest named “DocBones”.
Ok I added as Casino but am unsure as to which toon will be my main just yet. I didn’t want to screw anything up so instead of alphabetical I just added at the bottom of the char list.
Hey ya Scheherazad, sorry for the late response. We are currently only taking friends/family of current guild members but we will open our doors again after release. We do not have a set date for that yet but will provide our guild recruitment discord info when available or you can contact Hayz, Rednaxe or Hexik in game. Really hope to see/talk to you all after release.
You guys seem like a good fit for me since I am 58 and ive been a healer all through the vanilla, BC and Wrath as a holy pally. This time im going to be a troll preist and will be in holy, I understand you guys are full at the moment . I am not asking for a guild invite but you can put me on “reserve” status . Even if I never get a guild invite , I wish the very best for you guys.
hello horde tough i am rangorf, i will have a night elf warrior and just wanted to tell you if i see you out in the world im going to hug you. you all seem like great people have a great day
Howdy Rangorf, we will certainly return the hug and thank you for the compliment.
Beware though…we already have plans to cause some trouble in Southshore so please go easy on us old farts.
ohhhhh ahhhhhh…this sounds like a group of old school peeps I would enjoy hanging with while climbing the ranks of PVE and PVP…where I do sign my soul over?