(This is a new guild / community I am building)
Midnight Wonderlust is a Emerald Dream - Horde guild. The focus of the guild is to build a community for late night players. These are players whoms main play timeframe is after 9pm EST. I know just how hard it is to find like-minded players who are playing in the late night or early mornings. This guild was created to help solve this issue.
This is a very new guild and being so will need time to grow. This does not means you should not join. If you seek fun and enjoyable people who you know will be on in the late nights then this will be a great place to hang out.
Is that a progression guild? As of right now it is not. The goal is to get there in Shadowlands but the first goal of the guild is to build a strong community.
If you are not sure if you want to join the guild but want to interact with the Midnight Wonderlust community; you can join the in-game community name ‘Midnight Wonderlust’.
That is also a great place to get an invite into the guild. You can also message in-game Ryhera or Artemisdg.