[H][US-Kil'Jaeden] PSISTORM Gaming
We are always recruiting exceptional players; please do not hesitate to apply.
Competitive Team Recruitment Needs:
HEALER x1 (Paladin, Monk)
mDPS x1 (Rogue, Paladin)
rDPS x1 (Mage, Priest, Warlock, Druid)
PSISTORM Gaming is a multi game esports organization that is looking for more high level players for our WoW teams. Our team believes in maintaining a friendly but competitive atmosphere, while always pushing towards a higher world rank.
We currently maintain multiple raid groups ranging from a casual atmosphere to hardcore progression.
Be raid ready. Consumables, gear, addons, and knowledge of boss fights ready to go.
Be consistent and always be looking to improve.
Be ready to communicate. Everyone needs to be involved during progression and available on voice comms.
Be active outside of raid hours. M+, alts, pvp, etc.
This is not just another guild. When you represent the WoW team, you represent a community bigger than 1 game or 1 team. We want people that put the good of the group first.
Required addons:
DBM or Bigwigs
Weak Auras
Exorsus Raid Tools
RC LootCouncil
We are always recruiting exceptional players; please do not hesitate to apply.
If you’d like to apply, please fill out our application:
Contact info:
Chickn @ chickn#4346 (discord) / Chickn#1249 (bnet)
Xandorel @ Xandorel#4160 (discord) / chris2297#1133 (bnet)
MDI / M+:
Justin @ Justin.#1900 (discord) / Jngoooo#1766 (bnet)
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