I am currently looking for a new guild with a tank position open. I am currently 10/10H and only really care for AOTC. I don’t mind mythic raids but I prefer to just be an AOTC tank.
I am willing to tank for a guild that has an alt night and be the tank for that group. Or if a guild is willing to take me in.
I am currently on Mal’Ganis and willing to transfer if its worth it.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Hey Zinx!
Are you bored with not dying all the time? Then join Optimal Baddies and find yourself so engrossed in guild chat that you’ll be running off cliffs and pulling 20 mobs at once in no time! Recommended by 4 out of 5 Spirit Healers.
Jokes aside we are a semi hardcore raiding guild that is coming back from the ashes of taking a break and looking to clear heroic and mythic. We are currently looking for more members to fill out our Roster.
If you are interested in a good group of players who have gotten CE in multiple expansions then this guild is for you!
we are located on Lightbringer, Alliance faction.
Raid times are as follows.
Monday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
Tuesday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
If interested please reach out to one of us!
Bnet - Goldfish#1198
Discord - Goldfish#7851
Bnet - Ninjaspace#1577
Discord -ninjaXpope#0788
Hello Zìnx! I own a small, semi-casual guild on servers Rexxar/Misha named Wolves of the North. We’re a few players short of a 15-man raid party that runs Fridays & Saturdays 9pm - 12am EST. 5/10N currently.
We’re all mature players, and have prior commitments in the real life. We’re all here to have fun, and run content together. No unrealistic hard-core goals set. No intense scheduling. Semi-casual AOTC mindset, with priority in having fun.
If you’re interested, my discord is zdunny69#4257, feel free to message me with any questions!
Hi Zinx! We run Friday alt nights and I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!
Hey there, hoping we’re a fit for you!
< Unions Only >
Zul’Jin - Horde
Time: Wednesday 7-10 EST
Current progression: 10/10N, 6/10H
We’re looking for a tank! We’re 6/10H Castle Nathria and run Mythic+. Raid is Wednesday 7-10 EST (one day). M+ throughout the week. Very active and laid back group. We like to down bosses and have fun doing it.
Our goal is to eventually progress through Heroic but we won’t be bashing our heads into it. We will never step foot into Mythic Raid.
Add my btag: ishkurr#1649 if you’d like to chat some more
Hi, are you still looking for a guild? Recruiting for Bloodknight Redemption [Horde/Illidan] We have a weekend team that raids on Sat 730-1030 CST
Contact: HoppingKoala#0745 [Disc] HoppingKoala#1644 [Bnet]
Hi there! If your still looking here’s some info on our guild and would love to have ya.
Slash Pull Five is a horde progression guild located on the Thunderhorn server connected to Agamaggan, Archimonde, Blade’s Edge, Burning Legion, Jaedenar, Kargath, Norgannon, and The Underbog. Originally an Alt guild, that soon became a progression raiding guild formed by founding members from hardcore raiding backgrounds, including some CE Experience. We are a solid, tight knit team of like minded players who desire to raid efficiently and enjoyably. Although fairly new guild to this xPac, we have manage to clear Heroic Nathria in a respectable amount of time with Ahead of the Curve in 2 weeks after first seeing H Sire. Guild is meant to be a casual, laid back atmosphere, where players can feel comfortable and make friends.
Schedule: We will never raid outside of 2 nights a week, We will have alt / normal runs for casuals, or other members wanting to gear alts, but those runs are not mandatory.
We raid Wednesday and Thursdays from 8:30-11:00PM EST, and we will never go past 11:00PM.
Recruitment is open and we are looking for players with some experience in Heroic Nathria or have some some raiding background. We are looking for players whom can listen and adjust during fights, but also have a laid back, positive attitude.
Current needs:
2 Main Spots, 1 Back up
Resto Druid
2 Back ups (any class)
Unholy Dk
WW Monk
Warrior (Arms / Fury)
Any Classes
(2) Balance Druid
Shadow Priest
To Apply: Contact our GM Sairys#11858. Or Discord: Sairysdraconis#1534