[H] Prot/Ret & Mage LF Semi-Hardcore Raid

Thanks all for the interest, the SO and I have found our home!

Hey feel free to hit me up we are 8/8H and run Wed/Thurs 9-11ish server.


If you’re able to produce some logs for at least the first two mythic bosses, I’d be more than happy to take a look and discuss. I’ll post our info below for you to look us over. If you think you’d fit in and want to talk, let me know!

Guild Name: Adversary
Realm: Area 52 [H]
Progression: 5/8M (Zul to 28% on first night)
Raid Times: Tuesday and Thursday - 8:00pm to 11:00pm EST

Note: We’re raiding an optional third day on Wednesday’s to achieve CE. However, We only require 2 Nights a week from our raiders and the roster is rotated based on availability

TLDR; Expectations

  • Able to commit to the raid times and make them with relative certainty
  • If you cannot make raid day, let Officers know in advance
  • Come prepared with potions, flasks, personal food
  • Accountability in looking over your logs to see what you could do better
  • Accountability in looking up boss fights and understanding mechanics
  • Raid awareness (this will ultimately replace you if you’re lacking)
  • An understanding that raid spots are competitive
  • Understand that a successful guild needs a thriving roster and players will rotate out

About Us
Adversary is a 5/8M Guild (Progress on Zul at 28%) focused on achieving Cutting Edge prior to the next raid tier. We started as a small group of friends dedicated to this goal at the start of BFA. While we’ve only recently been a newer guild, we’ve proudly stood out among the best. We run Tuesday and Thursday from 8pm until 11pm EST. The focus right now is on building a strong group of people, not just randoms who get gear together. We’ve built a community of players that enjoy playing other games outside of raid and actively communicate with each other. To that end, we are striving to strike the balance between a great group of people who have fun and a strong guild that shows up and gets stuff done.

We expect members to show up and be ready to start pulling by 8pm. Get your drinks, tell your kids you love them, tranquilize the dog. We start on time because we respect the time of our members. Beyond that, we expect people to show up to most nights. Life happens. That’s fine – take nights off, don’t burn out. We just want a reliable and dependable group of people.

If you’re looking for “hardcore raiders who grew up and are now kind of casual but still not” then this is the group for you. What it’s not about is bringing in elitists that fester a bad attitude. It’s about growing together as a group and figuring these things out. No ego. No bull!@#$. Let’s have a good time and get it done.


  • Open recruitment for all DPS classes. Logs are a must!
  • Having a heal or tank off-spec is a plus!

Note: We try to maintain a roster of 25 people to accomodate people who need the day off from raiding, comp for boss fights, etc. So, we are looking for like minded people who are here for the guild as a whole and not personally for themselves. Understand that sometimes you may have to sit out, but everyone has their turn.


Recruitment Officer
Character Name: Prayful
Discord: Praybae#8302 (Best Method of Contact)
BattleNet: ohhairkah#1281

Recruitment Lead
Character Name: Herbalzen
Discord: cpx#0643 (Best Method of Contact)
BattleNet: cpx#11879

Interested? Send me or Herb a message or post here.

Hey Hallmoo,

Azsharian here!

I’ve read your post and I think your best fit would be here with us on Team 2 of Toast! We are a community of raiders on Area 52 that pushes Cutting Edge, M+, sales runs (gold only), and more!

We are currently recruiting all exceptional players for the upcoming raid tier, Battle of Dazar’Alor!

Our specific recruitment needs are listed below but everyone will be considered regardless of whether your class is listed or not.

Raid Times
Tues/Sun 8pm-11pm EST





Want to learn more about the guild?

Check us out here: toastguild(.) com - Remove ( )

Contact Us


Kildawabbit#6195 - Kilda
sixtyniine#7540 - Sixty
OrcSmash#6811 - Az

Battle Tag

Kildawabbit7#1408 - Kilda
R3PO#1422 - Aerodynamics
Chiqt#11826 - Az

We would love to hear from you!

Good afternoon Hallmoo and welcome to Area 52! From your description it sounds like The Art of Warfare would be a great fit for you both. We currently run two teams, each team runs twice a week. We are a decent sized guild and while we aren’t mythic raiders, we do take raiding seriously.

We have a recruitment post up now if you’d like more info on the guild. Feel free to reply here or message me in game. I’d love to chat with you about joining our family.


Hey now we all try to “Have a social life”… :slight_smile: anyhow i’d love to chat with the both of you. Our raid times probably work out perfectly with what you’re looking for as well as ideologies(I’m safely assuming based on your post). I’m gonna drop our recruitment thread here and send you in game mail as well as my btag which is Atrixia#11822 if you wouldn’t mind talking.