[H] <Primal> Fresh WOTLK Guild (25/heroic)

[Horde] [NA-West-PVP Fresh]

Raid times: Tues / Wed 8-11pm PST; Optional Monday night 10-man dungeons; Organized Weekend Wintergrasp and Achievement Runs

Philosophy: Recruiting mature raiders who are looking for a home for WOTLK. We are a community-first guild with deep roots in Classic WoW and will efficiently and fully clear all 25-man content (heroic when applicable) while having fun and building what will become long-lasting memories and friendships.

We will expect our raiders to maintain at least [80%] attendance, show up on time with gems/consumes/enchants, and know their responsibilities during raid nights, while remembering that real life is still always more important than a video game. Outside of that, the first objective of the guild is to provide a vehicle for everyone to have fun! That means having a low-drama community with a focus on accomplishing the guild’s goals as one team and making sure that our discord channel is just as much fun and active as our in-game interactions.

will start and remain with one raid-team by design throughout the expansion to reinforce group cohesion and relationships.

Loot: Loot council (with weekly core raider rotations). Fairness and transparency will be emphasized.

Roles: All roles/classes/specs open as well as any social members

If Primal sounds like a place you could call home for WOTLK, please come check us out at discord.gg/EJtWctQH

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Can you repost an updated discord invite? This one expired. Thanks

I’m also interested, could you repost the link?

I have a proposition for you. How could I get in contact with you?