Looking for a normal/heroic raiding guild on the smaller side (2/2/6 or 2/3/9). I can play shadow or disc though I prefer to heal. My modern raiding experience is not that extensive, but I am capable. My timezone is east coast so midday or evenings server time are best.
Heya Aycahbuh!
Copy pasting:
Smooth Brains Is currently recruiting a few more CASUAL players to help fill our roster for Shadowlands! We have people who have kids, work full-time jobs, and have a variety of schedules. If you are looking for a super try hard guild that is pushing high keys, and looking to rush to mythic CN we likely aren’t for you!
However, If you wanna kick back on Sundays and have a few beers while goofing around on discord and experiencing what Shadowlands has to offer sounds like a good time to you please send me a whisper! We have 13 active players and we are currently 4/10 Normal in Castle Nathria. We have a few people who PvP but we are mostly a PvE focused guild.
Feel free to send me a whisper (Battle Tag is Pak#1230) and I’d be happy to chat to see if you’re a good fit!
We are a casual guild recruiting:
- 2-3 DPS
- Maybe 1 Healer
- No tanks
Raid Times
We raid Sundays central time:
Currently 12:00-4:00
Starting in January 4:00-8:00