Hi everyone,
I am looking to transfer from Pagle and would appreciate any input you folks are willing to give. The Horde side on my server is extremely small and still shrinking.
I would like to find a guild on Atiesh that is on the sweatier side in terms of raiding. My character is a mage that is geared to the teeth so I’m not much of a loot burden. I also have nearly every enchant in the game so I could supplement and contribute to the guild in that respect. I come to raids fully buffed, fully consumed, and ready to perform. I am a competent, attentive raider who always follows directions and who has only missed 1 raid in the past year of Classic. I will do what I say I will in terms of attendance, participation, etc. and am very reliable.
I am also looking for a guild that is primarily composed of adults who act like adults. Like many of you, I am in my 30s and grown up. I want to be in a guild that has zero tolerance for racism, sexism, or any kind of hate speech. I am too old and frankly worn out of people making rape jokes during raid or belittling other players.
Apart from that, I am interested in your experience with Horde-side on Atiesh–is there a steady stream of activity at all or most times during the day, what is the PVP/ranking situation like, are there frequent PUG dungeons and raids that come together, do you generally like the community, is there good communication between all the guilds?
TLDR: Geared, reliable, sweaty, adult raider looking to transfer from Pagle to Atiesh. Looking for a home of like-minded raiders. Thanks.