Who is Potato Dream?
Potato Dream is a semi-hardcore guild on US-Zul’jin in search of raiders to further our mythic raid roster. originally existed in WoD/Legion/BFA where we averaged US250-300 on a 2 day schedule. We are now reforming in SL and looking to push into mythic. Guild was formed on 12/29/2020 and we went 10/10 Heroic our first week together.
We unfortunately only have an extremely solid core of about 13 players, thus we are recruiting all spots. That said, our ultimate goal is to pop back up to US250, so while we have no mythic prog yet (it was our first week together), we know what we’re capable of and will be recruiting/trialing with that in mind.
Why Potato?:
Potato Dream is the efficient player’s guild. While we aren’t part of bleeding edge progression, we’re a happy middle ground for solid players who still want to progress without sacrificing their real-life (cause we’re old and have responsibilities now). We’re hardcore enough that you aren’t wasting 3.5 hours a night watching other people fail, but casual enough that you don’t hate your life. We progress quickly and efficiently. You’ll wonder why no guild you’ve ever been in has been this perfect.
We’re also very selective about our members, valuing both logs/performance and whether or not you’re a douchebag. Potato Dream is one of the first guilds I personally have ever been a part of when there’s not a single member anyone hates. There is no raid member that is there because they are good, but lots of people want them gone. There is no Officer boyfriend/girlfriend that’s only there for anonymous reasons. There is no person you switch channels in Discord after raid with your friends and talk about how annoying they are. We do not yell/rage at each other during raid. We have a very positive and constructive raid environment filled with just the right amount of banter and salt.
Guild Info:
We raid Thursday and Monday from 8:30 PM to 12:00 AM (EST/Server time, 7 hours total). We do not add days for progression, nor extend raid time more than 10 minutes, though we will have an additional night for an OPTIONAL heroic during mythic progress.
Trials typically last around a week and a half and are very informal.
How to Apply:
You can contact me at:
BNET - DrMeat#1235
Discord - cthomlison#2648