Short and to the point main tank for a guild that fell apart.
Raiding experience this expansion
Uldir 7/8M tanked
BoD 9/9H 4/9M tanked
Characters raid ready or close to it
Dk Blood 410 or Frost 405
Warrior Prot 401
Paladin Prot or Holy 403ish
Warlock Destruction 393
Monk BM or MW near 390ish
Druid Balance or Resto not close to raid ready but can be with help.
I also run high mythic plus holding top server ranked spots. Around 1700 io
I dont really care the role that I go into and I dont mind being swapped in and off the bench I understand what it means to mythic raid so it’s no issue.
Preference on a horde guild please include days time and guild activity
On a side note if your guild is what I’m looking for I may also be able to bring additional players with me of similar skill and equal gear and mentality.
Thanks for your time and info