[H] Pandemonium | Semi-Casual | MSOS | Fri&Sat | Late-Night
About us
Pandemonium is a semi - casual, late-night weekend, 10-man only guild, that was created with the idea of catering more to a casual lifestyle where its players have busy lives during the week and are more active during the weekend. Due to this philosophy, we are looking for guild mates who are laid back, don’t mind wiping, and just are all around are looking to have fun heading into wotlk content together. Moving forward, the plan is to clear 10man content on normal and heroic with a casual 5 hour a week schedule, and if there is any additional time remaining, dabble into alt clears and achievements. If you feel like this fits your goals in the game, please feel free to reach out to us to talk more.
Raid days and times
Friday & Saturday : 10pm - 12:30am EST
VOA: 1/1
Sarth: 1/1
Maly: 1/1
Naxx: 15/15
Ulduar: 8/14
MS>OS : We don’t tolerate any elitism or loot drama - we are just here to have a good time and some laughs
we are also accepting just casual members who want to hang out. If your class isn’t listed, feel free to reach out anyway to discuss and see if we have an open spot
Tank : Filled
Heals : Filled
DPS : Filled
we are being a bit picky with a comp overall to try and maximize our buffs and efficiency
please feel free to add me to talk about our guild, positions open, and to answer any questions you may have.
Battle net: itakenaps#11425
Discord: itakenaps#1438