[H] <Pandamonium>

Looking for a new guild to call home while exploring the new patch? Look no further fam. We’re an active and friendly crew that runs it all. Mythic keys, horrific visions, raiding. We gotchu. Check out our discord to apply!

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Always room for more if you’re looking for a new home. Crimson Nova, one of our raid teams, just finished clearing Ny’alotha Normal and are now moving on to Heroic. Not bad for a super casual one-night-a-week team!

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Looking for a guild, check out Pandamonium.

We have a large member base, broad interests, across many time zones.

Fun loving but no drama.

Many spontaneous things going on, yet also some scheduled events.

Need to do some mythics? Want to level that cloak? Feel like farming old content for transmogs and mounts? Give us a try! Check us out!

Are you stuck at home and lonely? Come to Azeroth - where there is no Coronavirus! Check us out!

Lots of things to do in WoW,
And in Pandamonium, lots of folks to do them with.

we’re a friendly, low-key guild with a little bit of everything the game has to offer. we try to be good to each other - come be a part of that!

apply in discord and be a panda!

What is your raid day and time?

Crimson Nova, our WoW team, raids Sunday nights from 8-11pm est. We just hit 11/12 heroic. Not bad for a one day a week super casual crew! Pandamonium also just started chapters in EQ2 and PSO2 (in addition to our already existing FFXIV and SWTOR chapters). Lots of options for folks who like to bounce around in different games but hang out within the same community.

Been with Pandamonium for over 7 years and can’t say enough about what a great group of players are in the community. Whether you are a veteran WoW player or completely new to the game, the community is very welcoming and active with a wide variety of activities.

Happy gaming!

Join a fun community passionate about WoW and enjoy the game more. Check out Pandamonium.

check us out if you like playing the game with friends! we have a lot of people running mythic keys, as well as a thriving heroic raid team (12/12 nya), a nascent group of pvpers, and collectors out the wazoo. join us!

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Come check us out! Weekly open guild events in addition to team raiding.

Looking for a fun group of people? Look no more.

Guild is still quite active even towards the end of the expansion. Regular guild events on Tuesdays, Mythic+ (5 to 15) , and even a few folks doing some casual PvP. Come join us!

Looking for a home for the next expansion? Give Pandamonium a look! Tuesday night guild events, multiple mythic groups, mount runs, transmog runs, and many other fun activities. Come take a look!

Shadowlands cometh, are you prepared for the fun?

Know, oh prince, oh princess, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Guild undreamed of…

When shining kingdoms lay spread across Zul’jin like blue mantles beneath the stars… But the proudest guild in Azeroth was Pandamonium, reigning supreme in the dreaming west.

Hither came you, the Wanderer, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the cosmos under your sandaled feet.

looking for a guild heading into shadowlands?

we’re an active group of friendly players, and we dabble in just about every flavor of content in these fulminant days of bfa. if you like mythics, pvp, collecting, or just chatting while doing dailies, come check us out!

Still having fun in the current expansion while getting ready for the new one. Always looking for like-minded folks to join our family. Check us out!

Guild it still quite active even at this point in the expansion. Sunday night raid team knocking out a few mythic bosses, events on Tuesdays, and random key groups still going. Come join the fun!