H Pal/Outlaw Rogue LFG

Hello there!

After much discussion, time spent, trials and confusion - I figured out where I wanna be and what class I wanna be doing it as.

Holy Paladin.

Anyways, I am looking to most likely to rejoin the Alliance but will not turn down Guilds on Horde. Just please communicate with me, I will monitor this the next day or two and reach out to the people I feel are fit and their retrospective guilds. I just don’t wanna add a bunch of people or vice versa and end up having to clean it up.

Here are some things to consider before posting your Guild recruitment:

  • I am not a casual player. I would consider myself hardcore in some ways, and some ways not. I enjoy progression, I enjoy challenges but the journey also makes the end that much better. What do I mean? All about how we are to each other, if I f up - tell me, don’t condescend me.
  • I want to be a permanent fixture, not your replacement. I enjoy the community aspect as to be quite frank, I don’t get out and socialize much even without the Covid stuff going around. I enjoy doing stuff with other people, achievements, mog runs. I mean heck, I’ve been doing this for a while now so - it’s what I do for fun.
  • My schedule for raid is open and flexible. Although, now, it’s school time so I am up earlier in the day and at most 1 A.M EST. This only applies to Weekdays.
  • I am looking for community, progression, cohesion and inclusiveness. Anything beyond AOTC is ideal, even if it’s attempted Mythic. I don’t wanna do just AOTC and call it quits. Much more out there than that.

Please read this and we can hash out questions on Bnet or Discord.

Leave me your word ad and information and I’ll be in touch!

Heya! We would love to have someone like yourself in our guild. We are finalizing the last few spots of our Mythic roster as we push into the end of the expansion and are looking to try for CE still. We raid Tues / Thurs 830-1130EST and do M+ / Heroic Raids as a guild throughout the week. At the moment we are 7/12M and still going for a strong end of Xpac push. If this interests you let me know on Bnet (Burnsey#1181)

Hey! I’d love to chat with you and see if you are a good fit with us. For now, at least, we’d be most interested in your rogue. In the future, we could give ya a shot on your hpal.

Our guild is currently 8/12M with a 10/12M raid leader (that’s me!). We are on Zul’jin-H. We raid Tue/Wed from 8pm EST until 11pm EST.

If you’d be interested in chatting, hit me up on B.net (Krystalline#1901) or Discord (Krystalline#8213). Good luck in your search!

I would be against the Rogue into SL, atleast as a Main. I enjoy it alot but I have resisted falling into an only dps category. Not sure.

I don’t know, could be mog, could be more. I struggled with the choice for a while and settled on HPal.

Howdy! I hope this finds you well! You look like you would be a really good fit for us so I wanted to shoot this over to you so you have it, hopefully it isn’t too painful!

About us:

We are a newly formed guild on Area 52 comprised of a tight knit core of friends that have been playing together for a number of years. We bring with us a wealth of experience in various areas of the game and strong personalities to match. We have a very laid back attitude, but we all are in it to push the highest levels of content that this game has to offer. Outside of raids we are very active and enjoy pushing high m+ keys as well as doing some pvp on the side. We are looking for like minded individuals who are looking to push through heroic and into mythic raid content on a compressed schedule as we all have lives that we need to live, but are looking to be efficient with our time and have fun!

Raid Schedule:

Tuesday: TBD

Thursday: TBD

Times are yet to be finalized, but expect them to be around 9:00 pm - 12:00 am.


We’re looking for players who can commit to our raid schedule and who are motivated to participate in progression. We’re not just looking for people who can top the meters. Survivability, situational awareness, competency, and an ability to fit in well with the guild are also key. We also expect everyone to be able to handle constructive criticism as the guild comes before the individual.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me on bnet:


Hey there,

Sounds like you would be a perfect fit for the vision of our guild.

Take a look at our recruitment post, and if you feel like it might be a good fit, I encourage you to please fill our the application (it’s very short).

I will attach our ad for you to check out. I’m not a fan of pestering folks so I’ll you have a look and hopefully you’ll add me if interested. I think we hit on a lot of areas you seek.


War Theory is a semi-hardcore, 3/12M raiding guild on Bleeding Hollow - US. We strive to complete every boss of the current content before the start of the next raid tier, on a two night, six hour a week, raid schedule. We welcome healthy competition in our roster, and our goal is to promote a balance between progression and fun, while maintaining momentum throughout the current tier.

Raid Times:
We operate on a two day raiding schedule, with an additional optional re-clear night.

Friday: 9PM to 12AM EST (6PM to 9PM PST))
Saturday: 9PM to 12AM EST (6PM to 9PM PST)
Monday / Thursday optional extra progression day or heroic clear.


  • Assassination, Outlaw, or Subtlety Rogue
  • Fury or Arms Warrior
  • Havoc Demon Hunter
  • Balance Druid
  • Affi / Desto Warlock
  • Arcane / Frost Mage
  • Frost / UH Death Knight

Unlisted classes/specs are welcome to apply as well!

What we expect from you:
– Positive Attitude
– Flexibility between Specs, when needed.
– Good attendance, and communication if you’ll be missing.
– Ability to maintain your character’s progression throughout the tier.

What to expect from us:
– Raid Progression that maintains momentum throughout the tier.
– Experienced and competitive leadership.
– Consumables and Repairs
– Assistance to improve your character inside and outside of raid.
– Active Mythic+ and PvP groups.
– A raid team focused on completing raids, and having fun.

Additional questions can be directed to Adzz (Shocky#11140) on Battlenet and Adzz#4670 on Discord.

Thanks for the replies. Spoke with some of you, looking forward to whatever may come from it.

Still searching!

Hello Kess,

I’m with Forge, a 12/12M guild on Sargeras that’s looking for a Holy Paladin, if you would be interested. We plan on going pretty hard into SL, so I believe you would be a great addition to the team. We raid Tue/Wed/Sun 7:00-10:00 CST. I understand that it would be a bit of a move for you, given that you are Horde on another sever, but if you’re fine with that, feel free to add me on Discord at Iosefka#3774 or on Bnet at Vellen#1172.


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I think after further evaluation - I am reset on what to play.

Seems more people want the Rogue than the Healer. :open_mouth:


(A) We Have Cake Lightbringer
Our guild is growing each raid that passes. Currently 3/12 Mythic.

We are offering a recruitment incentive of a game token after passing 30 day trial or Covering the cost of your server transfer after trial is complete.

Raid times: (New Raid Days and Times)
Tue 6PST - 8PST
Wed 6PST - 8PST
Thur 6PST - 8PST (Only During Content Pushing)

We are a group of friends/raiders who’ve come together far and wide from other servers. We would classify ourselves as Semi Hardcore with a laid back atmosphere. We are building our raid team right now. We are a AOTC guild with mythic progression. Which we will continue to progress further into Shadowlands.

Our team is currently seeking:

Tank (full on the following Unless you have a DPS off spec)
Blood Death Knight
Brew Master Monk
Protection Paladin
Vengeance Demon Hunter

Healers NEED
Holy Paladins
Restoration Druids
Holy Priests
Restoration Shamans
Mist Weaver Monks
Discipline Priests

Shadow Priest
Elemental Shaman
Enhancement Shaman
Destruction Or Affliction Warlock
Balance or feral Druid
Marksman or Beast Master Hunter
Fire or Frost Mage
Assassination or Outlaw Rogue
Frost or Unholy Death Knight
Fury or Arms Warrior
Demon Hunter

Any exceptional player will always be considered, regardless of class/spec. Our roster is serious about progressing at a decent pace.

Expectations: Be an active player. On top of maintaining a 90% raid attendance for raiders, we expect you to be active within the guild and crushing content together outside of raid. Whether that Be Mythic Plus or PvP.
Be knowledgeable about your class.

Be ready for raid. We expect riders to have done necessary research for boss fights, zone into raid prepared with consumables, tomes, and a good attitude.

We have plenty of hungry key pushers in guild that will be in discord and ready to down the content you are seeking to accomplish.

Most in the guild are veterans to WoW besides for a select few. Everyone is helpful. We want you to have fun. Without the toxic, elite, yelling nonsense.

We do not tolerate sexism, racism, toxic screaming and yelling, or immaturity. On the other hand we do want you to be yourself here, telling jokes and having a good time etc. Making like-minded friends and having a great time here is our goal.

For more info you can add my discord and battle tag for more information!
Sugarcone#6092 -Discord
Chris#12957- Battle Ta

Thank you for reading and I look forward to hearing from you!