H Pally LF Guild

Hey there. I currently play a holy pally on the alliance side and looking to move to my horde pally on Mankrik. I’ve downed up to the first 4 bosses in SSC but my horde pally isn’t attuned so I would need help with that but bring the experience.

My preference for schedule would be Mon/Weds if possible. Thanks!

Hi, Reliquary is recruiting healers as we start going into phase 2. We’re a casual raiding guild founded on mutual respect for all players (LGBTQ+, Non-native English Speaker friendly). We’d be happy to gear up/ attune your pally! Our raid nights are Wednesday and Friday for SSC and TK (focusing on SSC first!) and Monday for Gruul/Mags from 8:30-11:30.

If you want more information, send an in-game mail or message to Srloinsteak, Kelansi, or Misselvira. We’d love to hear from you!

Sounds good. I’ll reach out soon. Thanks!

Hey if you’re still looking for a guild you can message me on discord Adam#7838

is recruiting. We raid tue/th 7-11. Still doing T4 and kara as well. I would personally help you get attuned.

contact me at Ascus#6756 on disc or Azcus in game.